Thursday, January 21, 2010

Slow Down Sister!

As you know I am a member of Harlista and I will admit that when I first joined I was so overwhelmed by all the information. I was jumping from page to page taking note of various long hair 'lista's regimens, constantly changing my own routine in an effort to achieve longer hair FASTER (as my multiple "Regimen UPDATES"* demonstrates). Unfortunately, this may not have been the best thing for my hair.

Anyway, I came across two forum post the other day (created by diet_pro and bronzeg--thanks girls) and I think it was just what I needed. I have decided to share them here in the hope that it will keep my PJism and impatience in check. This is what they had to say:

(written by diet_pro )
I may step on a few toes by saying this, but I think some of you need some tough love! Trust me, I totally understand how you feel because I've been there. But the time has for you to move past the tantrums and pity parties.

Below, I've provided some tips for you to help you perhaps cope with this hair care journey better than what you have been. Warning: it's not said with the intentions of preserving your feelings! Remember I still love and respect all of you!

1. Stop joining all these damn challenges!

At any given time, you should be involved in a max of 2-3 challenges. When you join too  
many challenges, you burn yourself out trying to hold truth to them. Some of you are 
enrolled in 10+ challenges and only fulfill maybe one! Stop it! It’s no wonder you can’t
figure out what works for you hair and what doesn’t. You’re implementing too many  
changes at once.

2. Keep your hands out of your wallet!

Quit purchasing all these freaking products. That’s right, I said it. I see some ladies go out and purchase 15 bottles of conditioner, 5 bottles of shampoo and too many moisturizers to count. For what? Ladies, be realistic! You can’t possibly use more than maybe 2 bottles of conditioner per year. The rest will just sit there and why would you want to use conditioner that has been at the bottom of your sink for over 2 years? When someone posts a product review, that doesn’t mean for you to go out and purchase that product right away. Give the products you have a chance to work before discontinuing using them. I’d say, test a product for at least 3 mos. If it’s not damaging your hair or making your hair feel dry/mushy, it’s probably doing what it said it will and just needs a little time to yield the results you want.

3. Live a little!

It’s ok to use that flat iron or curling iron every now and then. Gosh, quit being so uptight! This is how some ladies become frustrated with hair care. They feel restricted to certain styles that they don’t particularly like. When you’re going out for a night on the town with your girlfriends, rocking a mini skirt or tights with stilettos, I’m sure you don’t want a protective bun as your style. So, let your hair down. Let it fall on your shoulders or down you back once in a while. I love the fact that Sylver (one of the pioneers of this healthy hair movement) says she enjoys her hair! She wears it down every day (I’m not recommending this but just restating what she said).
4. Establish a regimen, not a prison sentence!

If you prefer to moisturize and seal everyday and miss a day because you’re tired or busy, it’s ok. Don’t break out into a sweat over it! I don’t think that one skipped day will cause you all your hard work to go down the drain. You won’t do any damage if you miss a co wash or a day moisturizing or sealing. Also, there’s no need to pretend you’re in boot camp. Instead of setting up a regimen around the days of the week (Wash Mondays, Co wash Wednesdays etc.) build it around what you need to do to your hair. (Wash Weekly, Co wash Weekly etc.).

5. Put away the camera!

There’s no need to take a hair picture once a week. This will only create the illusion in your mind that your hair isn’t growing, when it really is. Take pictures every 3 months or when you create a new style. Also, look at other ladies’ progress pictures and become inspired not jealous and frustrated! Remember some ladies have a looser wave/curl pattern, have a longer growth phase or even have their hair dyed or rinsed black, which makes the hair look healthy when it’s may not necessarily be.

There now! How you like that? 

(written by bronzeg )
...if I could be of help to any one, I will say...treat your hair with care, be patient, and what ever works for you...stick to it!! Band wagons can lead to set back after set back..I am thankful for finding products that work for me..and I am sticking to them...try to do the will be easier on the pockets..and your hair will thank you! there will be naysayers..but don't mind them...b/c you can show them better than you can tell them! i've had a few naysayers..particularly my aunt..she has beautiful type 3 hair..and she CACKLED when I told her i was going to grow my hair to a certain length..CACKLED, you hear me?'s hounding me for advice!! HA! the last laugh is always the best!! so, don't worry about the naysayers..they will doubt you..but do not get discouraged!!

this sounds like an awards speech or i just want every one to know..when you have a goal in it any go for it..keep your eyes on the prize!

HTH! I know it will help me! 

*To avoid confusion I have deleted my old regimens.

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