Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Castor Oil Challenge: Week Twelve (Final Week!)

Day 77-83 (Jan 10-16, 2010) 

Well I'm going for the home stretch now. I already gave my review a few weeks ago so there isnt much more I will add here regarding JBCO. 

Making a few tweaks here and there has helped out some in terms of my scalp condition. Ultimately I had to create a JBCO/jojoba/EVCO concoction to alleviate my itchy scalp (ingredients below). I will say that I did add JBCO (nothing added) to my scalp before DCing this week and my new growth still felt amazing 3 days later. So it's not all that bad. Actually, let me correct that. I never thought JBCO was bad, it just didn't produce the results I was told it would produce (minus the thicker hair--I know that will take time). Over the course of the 12 weeks I had mad itching, scabs on my scalp,  shedding, so needless to say JBCO was too strong for me. Please use with caution! You know your scalp and should be able to detect when something isn't right, listen to that and make adjustments accordingly, or just discontinue your use of the oil. There are other natural oils/balms out there that help with growth

Now I did this challenge for as a long as I did because it takes at least 12 weeks to see any real results in terms of length and texture of your hair when trying something new. Despite this, it just didn't do what it was suppose to do--at least not for me. I will continue to use it though, esp now that I have mixed it with EVCO and jojoba oil. My new growth was nice and soft, esp with this last wash.

For anyone hoping to try this out, don't let my results discourage you. Give it a try. My hair may just need more to kick it into shape (in terms of growth). I will post pics after my next relaxer next weekend to show my final results. Will I eat my words?


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