Day 14 (Nov 8, 2009)
I complete a henna treatment yesterday and today I rinsed out my hair and it felt so strong, yet soft! I was pleasantly surprised. My hair also felt "heavy" and dense, which I have to say is due to the henna treatment I did yesterday. I did get a little overzealous with the Elixer and Break-Free, so it's a little oily now, but I'm okay with it; my hair will just be going back in twist. The itchiness seems to be completely gone. I am so excited , you have no idea. Day 15 (Nov 9, 2009)
Weirdest thing, my scalp is itching me like crazy again! I am still in the process of re-twisting my hair--I am slow when I do this--and I can go at a slower pace as it's my BIRTHDAY

Day 16 (Nov 10, 2009)
Finally oiled my scalp, and the itchiness is gone.....
Day 17 (Nov 11, 2009)
So there seems to be a real war going on with my scalp. It was itching something awful this morning-- oiled my scalp this evening, and the itchiness is gone.....Now this is new to me because yes I have always had an itcy scalp, but this feels more like irritation vs. just having a dry old scalp. I was reviewing some of my blog entries and it occurred to me that I did not oil my scalp before putting on the henna or deep conditioner, which may be the reason it feels like this. My scalp is just soooo damn sensitive.Day 18 (Nov 12, 2009)
Oiled my scalp as scheduled....or perhaps it wasn't scheduled, but I have just decided I am going to listen to my scalp, and it is telling me--"who cares if it isn't Thursday, I'm itching"!
Day 20 (Nov 14, 2009)
I am exhausted--but I can't allow that to prevent me from doing what I need to do with my hair. That is how it begins isn't miss one day, then another. I mean it feels like I am already missing some steps with my castor oil experiment. I may need some inspirational pictures to help me along...
Day 19 (Nov 13, 2009)
I didn't massage my scalp today, and it felt a little itchy. I am realizing that if I use castor oil straight with my EO blend then that is when I have this war going on on top of my head. I don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner. I mean I started off blending the castor oil with jojoba oil and had better results. I guess because I started using another brand of JBCO and had better results in term of smell and other oddities that I just forgot. I will need to go back to blending the oil and see if that gives me a different results in terms of relieving the itching next week. Day 20 (Nov 14, 2009)
I am exhausted--but I can't allow that to prevent me from doing what I need to do with my hair. That is how it begins isn't miss one day, then another. I mean it feels like I am already missing some steps with my castor oil experiment. I may need some inspirational pictures to help me along...

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