So I got a relaxer today, and I must say I was little disappointed with my progress. I know I shouldn't be too surprised because I have been neglecting my hair big time, which was why I started this blog in the first place . However, I sort of hoped I would see some progress in terms of growth. Alas, there was none! I've posted a picture of my hair below.
As usual, once I returned from the hairdresser I re-washed my hair with Motions neutralizing shampoo, a practice I adopted a few years ago.I will usually let the lather from the shampoo sit on my hair while I take a shower. I do this because I really don't want to take any chances with the relaxer, as many scalp disorders (namely baldness) can occur when the relaxer is not washed out properly. Any woman that self-relaxes her hair will tell you that you need to wash your hair at least 3 times, in which the last wash is done for a minimum of 5 minute to truly neutralize the relaxer. Now ladies, when was the last time a hairdresser neutralized your hair for 5 minutes? Time it and see, I'll bet you it's under 45 seconds! Your probably asking "well why don't I just tell my hairdresser to wash my hair for a longer period of time?" Eh, I'm a control freak and just like to play it safe.
Following my shampoo I proceed with a deep conditioner, utilizing a recipe I got from my girl Sunshyne over at HI, which I use to replenish the lost moisture and proteins that was stripped from my hair during the relaxing process and the multiple washes. For this I applied:
3 tsp avocado oil
3 tsp castor oil
3 tsp coconut oil
I am going to have to modify this recipe a bit. I found it way too "soupy" with the oil to conditioner ratio way too high. I will update the changes I plan to make.
ETA: New post relaxer treatment recipe
1 tsp avocado oil
1 tsp castor oil
1 tsp coconut oil
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