I am feeling a bit better since I decided to cut down the amount of time I am focusing on my hair and hair care. I think truthfully, it was just a lot of other things as well that were contributing to my stress level. The last thing I want is my hair to begin shedding like crazy. Excessive shedding has never been a problem for me and I'd really like to keep it that way. I'm still going to take it easy, but I wanted to at least keep my blog updated with any significant changes going on with my hair.
So it's wash day, and as promised I am going to give BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment another shot in an effort to be as fair as I can before my final review. This is the third time around, so at this point I have pretty much used it in every way possible. Before I get into my results with my little experiment I will mention that overall my hair feels and looks a bit better. The breakage has minimized and it seems to be holding moisture a lot better. Overall, I think I am pleased with how it is coming along. I've notice a tiny tiny bit of new growth in certain sections, which is great. Not sure, but I think it may be due to my JBCO blend. Traditionally, I don't see anything in terms of growth until about 5 or 6 weeks post. I was itching to do a henna treatment today, but stopped myself. I really want to let my hair tell me when to add protein to prevent another overload. No henna isn't truly a protein, but it acts like a protein in terms of its ability to strengthen and add structure and volume to the hair. It also dries the hell out of my hair like a protein, and given my issue with dry hair right now, I just want to increase my moisture levels first.
Anywhoo, back to my experiment. As you know I really wanted to give BB Avocado Treatment a fair chance, so I played around with some concoctions and applied it to my hair in four sections. Here's what I did:
Section 1. BB Avocado Butter Pre-poo Treatment with 1 each tsp of my special oil mix and JBCO
Section 2. 1 tsp each of BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment, JBCO, special oil blend mix, honey, AORM and AOHR
Section 3. 2 tsp of Hydrafuse and 1 tsp each of BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment, JBCO, special oil blend mix, honey
Section 4. 2 tsp of Hydrafuse and 1 tsp each of BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment, JBCO, special oil blend mix, honey and Aveda DR
I placed a plastic cap on and allowed treatment(s) to sit for 1 hour (45 w/ heat; 15 w/ out). My results were as followed:
Section 1: washed out okay, but nothing special in terms of moisture or slip. A tiny bit of tangling.
Section 2: Soft and moist, good slip, which was a pleasant surprise.
Section 3: Okay. Felt dense (if that makes any sense), some slip
Section 4: Really nice, soft, moist and had slip.
So section 2 and 4 were the clear winners. I will have to admit the best one was section 4, but 2 was very close in comparison. What I like the most is the fact that section 2 was an all natural concoction, actually the treatment blend I've been using over the last two weeks with no success. The only change was adding a tsp of JBCO. This mix is definitely a keeper, but I will need to find an alternative to the BB Pre-Poo Treatment because it is just too expensive for what you are getting. Today I got the buttery soft feel I have been longing for over the last two weeks, but I had to add JBCO and various conditioners. Now, as for the BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment, I have decided to change my rating to a
. I really just don't think it's worth the money, esp since I had to add other things to it to get any kind of slip or moisture. Good ingredients, but that is about it. Applying it to the hair was fine, but it honestly felt similar to spreading a tub of Vaseline on my hair, and truthfully conditioned just as well! Not sure what all the hype is all about......

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