Sunday, April 18, 2010

Burt's Bee Avocado Butter Pre-Shampoo Treatment

Burt's Bee Avocado Butter Pre-Shampoo Treatment ($11.69 CDN)
As you know I picked this product up about three weeks ago mainly because I have been experiencing some serious breakage and had a big issue with dry, brittle hair. So I was--well still have been on a mission to up the moisture levels of my hair, really reducing the protein I am currently applying protein once a month (or as needed). Having my hair out of the twist I am coming to really see how moisture deprived my hair. It seems to be drinking up whatever I put on it like water.

Anyway, the first time around I added it to my conditioner mix (AO HR and RM) and left it on my usual time with heat and it was just okay. This time around I decided to do an overnight treatment. My hair was a little dry and I haven't had the opportunity to M & S everyday as planned. There was absolutely no difference in the condition in my hair. Now when I say this, I don't mean my hair was bad at all, but it just felt "okay". There was okay slip, and my hair was a little softer. I am just use to getting "buttery" (oh yeah I said "buttery") soft hair when I rinse out my conditioner, and this is no longer the case. Now either these products have changed in some way, or it is my hair that is changing. Now I believe the latter may be the culprit, because as we all know, that is the nature of hair. Since I first began using all natural products I have changed the relaxer I use (Affirm Fiberguard) and my diet. Age may also play a factor as well. As we age the moisture and protein levels in our hair changes, which affects sheen, texture, feel and moisture/protein retention. With these things considered, my hair appears to no longer responding to some natural products the way that it did before. Does that mean I will stop using natural products--hell no! I just need to figure out what else will work. Anyway, I digress.

The BB Avocado Butter Treatment just doesn't do it for me. I have yet to use it on it's own, so I will do that next, but I figure if I have used it with so called moisturizing conditioners and it hasn't had an impact with those additives, then why would it be more effective on its own? I may be totally wrong, but from my experience most things are only enhanced when you add it to something else. I think to be fair I will complete a final experiment though. I will split my hair into four sections (which I do anyway), but I will apply different concoctions to each section to see what happens. One section will definitely have just the BB Avocado Butter on it's own to give it a fair chance, and I will play around with the other sections (honey, oils, conditioners--don't know yet). As it stands now, I will have to give this product a Smiley because it is too expensive for the limited results I've received. Some women have had good results with this product, so you may also want to check out their reviews (use google). I've only had okay results, so I just don't think it's worth it. Maybe I should lower my expectations...

ETA: I completed my final review after experimenting with a few things. Here are my thoughts of this product after it was all said and done

Smiley - Smiley = not worth the money, don't waste your time.

Smiley - Smiley = neither hit or miss; just okay

Smiley - Smiley = good product; really worth trying.

Smiley = amazing product!

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