Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Castor Oil Challenge: Week Eight

Day 49 (Dec 13, 2009)
Oiled my scalp, which it desperately needed. Boy did it itch!

Day 50 (Dec 14, 2009)
I've noticed that my new growth has changed. As I already mentioned last week it feel softer, but I notice that my hair seems much more moisturized than it has been in the past. can't complain about some of the benefits I am seeing.

Day 51 (Dec 15, 2009)
Scalp was a little itchy so I oiled it and gave it a good massage. I think it really needed it. I was reviewing a few things from my previous post and I think I want to add avocado oil to my oil blend. I'm going to hold off until I've finished this experiment to see 1) if I will even continue to use Castor oil 2) to actually give myself enough time to do a fair comparison of the different oils

Day 52 (Dec 16, 2009)
Oiled my scalp, but I cheated a little bit by adding some coconut oil. I can say almost immediately the itching stopped ! Have I found the magical combination? I wonder...

Day 53 (Dec 17, 2009)
 Scalp still feels good...

Day 54 (Dec 18, 2009) 
I decided to stay true to this challenge by sticking to the JBCO only, so now my scalp is a little itchy. I figure one day using EVCO won't matter ...right?

Day 55 (Dec 19, 2009)
Again I will have to do wash day a day early. This month has been really hectic. I have stayed pretty focused thus far, but it is getting colder and I am a Bear in the winter....I don't want to do anything except to hibernate!

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