Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wash Day

 I am feeling a bit better since I decided to cut down the amount of time I am focusing on my hair and hair care. I think truthfully, it was just a lot of other things as well that were contributing to my stress level. The last thing I want is my hair to begin shedding like crazy. Excessive shedding has never been a problem for me and I'd really like to keep it that way. I'm still going to take it easy, but I wanted to at least keep my blog updated with any significant changes going on with my hair.

So it's wash day, and as promised I am going to give BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment another shot in an effort to be as fair as I can before my final review. This is the third time around, so at this point I have pretty much used it in every way possible. Before I get into my results with my little experiment I will mention that overall my hair feels and looks a bit better. The breakage has minimized and it seems to be holding moisture a lot better. Overall, I think I am pleased with how it is coming along. I've notice a tiny tiny bit of new growth in certain sections, which is great. Not sure, but I think it may be due to my JBCO blend. Traditionally, I don't see anything in terms of growth until about 5 or 6 weeks post. I was itching to do a henna treatment today, but stopped myself. I really want to let my hair tell me when to add protein to prevent another overload. No henna isn't truly a protein, but it acts like a protein in terms of its ability to strengthen and add structure and volume to the hair. It also dries the hell out of my hair like a protein, and given my issue with dry hair right now, I just want to increase my moisture levels first.

Anywhoo, back to my experiment. As you know I really wanted to give BB Avocado Treatment a fair chance, so I played around with some concoctions and applied it to my hair in four sections. Here's what I did:

Section 1. BB Avocado Butter Pre-poo Treatment with 1 each tsp of my special oil mix and JBCO
Section 2. 1 tsp each of BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment, JBCO, special oil blend mix, honey, AORM and AOHR
Section 3. 2 tsp of Hydrafuse  and 1 tsp each of BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment, JBCO, special oil blend mix, honey
Section 4. 2 tsp of Hydrafuse  and 1 tsp each of BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment, JBCO, special oil blend mix, honey and Aveda DR

I placed a plastic cap on and allowed treatment(s) to sit for 1 hour (45 w/ heat; 15 w/ out). My results were as followed:

Section 1: washed out okay, but nothing special in terms of moisture or slip. A tiny bit of tangling.
Section 2: Soft and moist, good slip, which was a pleasant surprise.
Section 3: Okay. Felt dense (if that makes any sense), some slip
Section 4: Really nice, soft, moist and had slip.

So section 2 and 4 were the clear winners. I will have to admit the best one was section 4, but 2 was very close in comparison. What I like the most is the fact that section 2 was an all natural concoction, actually the treatment blend I've been using over the last two weeks with no success. The only change was adding a tsp of JBCO. This mix is definitely a keeper, but I will need to find an alternative to the BB Pre-Poo Treatment because it is just too expensive for what you are getting. Today I got the buttery soft feel I have been longing for over the last two weeks, but I had to add JBCO and various conditioners. Now, as for the BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment, I have decided to change my rating to a Smiley. I really just don't think it's worth the money, esp since I had to add other things to it to get any kind of slip or moisture. Good ingredients, but that is about it. Applying it to the hair was fine, but it honestly felt similar to spreading a tub of Vaseline on my hair, and truthfully conditioned just as well! Not sure what all the hype is all about......

JBCO Challenge: Week Two

So it is week two of the JBCO Challenge. I've noticed that on days I don't oil my scalp I have some itching. So far so good. It concerns me of course because I am looking to stop my itching not do anything to increase it, but it's not horrible. I have noticed a little (and I do mean a little) bit of new growth in certain sections of my hair, which feels soft. Pretty good sign if you ask me, because I never see new growth this early (I am currently 3 weeks post). Can I attribute this to the JBCO, yeah perhaps. I mean I have also used some EOs as well, which are also known for enhancing hair growth and I also have other oils added to my mix (e.g. jojoba and EVCO).  I am also trying (not doing too great) to eat better and I am exercising at least 4-5 times a week. All factors that contribute to achieving maximum hair growth. You notice I didn't say increase hair growth I still believe nothing can help you go beyond your maximum growth rate. Some may disagree, but whenever someone reports they got 1/2-1 of growth from a product, it is more likely that the product help create a situation that allowed them to reach their full potential, whether it was keeping their scalp clean (e.g. JBCO, MN), helping with circulation, adding additional nutrients to the hair follicles (e.g. EO); It was not the product in itself. I mean we all know a clean scalp, circulation, moisture and nutrients are key to hair growth (or any cell for that matter), which can all be achieved by eating a balanced diet high in certain nutrients, regular exercise, scalp massages and regular shampoo (or co-washes).  While JBCO may have something to do with my mini spurt of growth I can't really tell. Unfortunately, past experience has shown me that I can't use JBCO on its own, but I may try to use more of it in my mix to see what happens. We'll see....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Taking a Short Break

As the title says, I am going on a mini break. Ladies, I am absolutely exhausted both mentally and physically. I have been trying to do too much, and putting waaaay too much time and energy on my hair and physical appearance. Now I know that sounds odd, because how can taking care of one's appearance be a bad thing? Well in moderation it isn't a bad thing, but I think I have been going overboard.  Don't get me wrong, I am--and will still be committed to my hair. I will still be diligent with my regimen, I just need a mini break. I have been literally driving myself crazy focusing on my hair: oiling and massaging my scalp, reading blog post, forums, chats, washing, conditioning, buying products to remedy my hair issues, dealing with breakage, protein overload, blogging about my pitfalls, blogging about my's a little much simply because I am also trying to lose weight, dealing with home renos, managing work, trying to have a social life, maintaining a connection with my family--whew really?! It's a little much.

So while I take my mini stay-cation I will continue to take care of my hair, but my post will be limited to updates on the JBCO Challenge and the odd post on articles I come across, but that's it for now. I am also available to answer any questions you may have, so no worries there. My break won't be too long, just for a few weeks....Can I last that long? I'll keep you posted LOL!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Burt's Bee Avocado Butter Pre-Shampoo Treatment

Burt's Bee Avocado Butter Pre-Shampoo Treatment ($11.69 CDN)
As you know I picked this product up about three weeks ago mainly because I have been experiencing some serious breakage and had a big issue with dry, brittle hair. So I was--well still have been on a mission to up the moisture levels of my hair, really reducing the protein I am currently applying protein once a month (or as needed). Having my hair out of the twist I am coming to really see how moisture deprived my hair. It seems to be drinking up whatever I put on it like water.

Anyway, the first time around I added it to my conditioner mix (AO HR and RM) and left it on my usual time with heat and it was just okay. This time around I decided to do an overnight treatment. My hair was a little dry and I haven't had the opportunity to M & S everyday as planned. There was absolutely no difference in the condition in my hair. Now when I say this, I don't mean my hair was bad at all, but it just felt "okay". There was okay slip, and my hair was a little softer. I am just use to getting "buttery" (oh yeah I said "buttery") soft hair when I rinse out my conditioner, and this is no longer the case. Now either these products have changed in some way, or it is my hair that is changing. Now I believe the latter may be the culprit, because as we all know, that is the nature of hair. Since I first began using all natural products I have changed the relaxer I use (Affirm Fiberguard) and my diet. Age may also play a factor as well. As we age the moisture and protein levels in our hair changes, which affects sheen, texture, feel and moisture/protein retention. With these things considered, my hair appears to no longer responding to some natural products the way that it did before. Does that mean I will stop using natural products--hell no! I just need to figure out what else will work. Anyway, I digress.

The BB Avocado Butter Treatment just doesn't do it for me. I have yet to use it on it's own, so I will do that next, but I figure if I have used it with so called moisturizing conditioners and it hasn't had an impact with those additives, then why would it be more effective on its own? I may be totally wrong, but from my experience most things are only enhanced when you add it to something else. I think to be fair I will complete a final experiment though. I will split my hair into four sections (which I do anyway), but I will apply different concoctions to each section to see what happens. One section will definitely have just the BB Avocado Butter on it's own to give it a fair chance, and I will play around with the other sections (honey, oils, conditioners--don't know yet). As it stands now, I will have to give this product a Smiley because it is too expensive for the limited results I've received. Some women have had good results with this product, so you may also want to check out their reviews (use google). I've only had okay results, so I just don't think it's worth it. Maybe I should lower my expectations...

ETA: I completed my final review after experimenting with a few things. Here are my thoughts of this product after it was all said and done

Smiley - Smiley = not worth the money, don't waste your time.

Smiley - Smiley = neither hit or miss; just okay

Smiley - Smiley = good product; really worth trying.

Smiley = amazing product!

JBCO Challenge: Week One

Today was wash day and I must say I am surprise to feel a little bit of new growth. Nothing major mind you, but considering I typically only grow about 1/4 an inch a month, I should not feel anything this soon (approx 2 weeks post). I used the Burt's Bee Pre-poo once again, and let's say, not too impressed, even after using if overnight. I will be writing a review shortly after I complete this post.

Of course I will be applying my oil blend mix to my scalp after I style my hair. I will say my scalp was a bit itchy last week. Nothing major, but enough for me to say--"hey what's going on, I thought I dealt with this". I have made a few changes to the EOs I am adding to the blend, so hopefully that should address my scalp issues. I have also decided to reduce the amount of jojoba oil I am using and increase the amount of JBCO I am using. Nothing major, just a tsp for each to see if i can tolerate the JBCO bit better. I have been using it long enough that my scalp should have adapted to its "power" by now. One step at a time.

Friday, April 16, 2010

New JBCO Challenge

So I've joined yet another JBCO Challenge on HI. I know, I know, the last time I did the challenge I didn't see very much difference in terms of thickness and growth, so why do it again? Well, there are a few reasons: One, since the challenge ended I have continued to use JBCO in my scalp oil mix, because I found it was helpful in alleviating my itchy scalp and made my new growth really soft, so I figure why not continue, but just increase the application/quantity?

Secondly, as you know, I tried a "scalp growth aid" last month, which had disastrous results on my hair (shedding, dryness and breakage---OH MY!), so I've decided to go back to the basics. Regular all natural hair care remedies and daily massages to improve (because nothing can truly increase) my hair growth. When I was doing this at the beginning of my hair journey this seemed to  be helping me out just fine and my hair was doing well. I guess I was a little (or very) impatient, and truthfully I did more damage than I care to acknowledge. I should have just left well enough alone. Alas, I digress. 

So there you have it. I figure since I am using JBCO anyway I will continue, but be more conscious about how and when I am using it. I will also modify my mix a little, adding a bit more JBCO, and try to apply it to clean scalp to see if I garner any more benefits. We'll see. I won't post daily progress reports like I did before, but I will post weekly updates just to see if I have a different experience. I will also post a "before" and "after" pic to see if there is truly any difference...

I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wash Day

So it's been one week since I got my relaxer and I am trying to get use to my hair. As I mentioned before my hairdresser straightened my hair a little too much, but that isn't why I have to learn to take care of my hair again. I decided to forgo the twist this time around. I was disappointed by my progress in some areas, namely the sides (which are my thinnest areas), so I am hoping that this cycle (between relaxers) will produce better results than the last.

I did my first co-wash, and it went okay. I almost had a tangling mishap, thank god I was able to prevent too much damage--still getting the hang of it Smiley. I decided to try out the Burt's Bee Avocado Butter Pre-Shampoo Treatment mixed with the AORM and HR (2 part AORM per 1 part HR and Avocado Butter) w/ a tsp of my conditioning oil blend. It came out pretty good. Felt moisturized, had some slip. I then followed up with my trusty ACV rinse then used IC Fantasia Aloe Complex Leave in (hated it) and usual Komaza/Elixer mix. My hair felt a little stiff/hard and my scalp feels a little itchy as I am sitting here typing. I'll see what result I garner once my hair has fully dried. Overall, my hair looks moisturized and feels okay. I had little to no breakage and my ends looked better. 

Building a Basic Regimen

When I first started my hair journey I was really struggling to figure out this "healthy hair thing". I didn't know what to do, what products to use or even how often to use these products to transform my hair. Truth be told I am still trying to figure all this stuff out. Over time I have been able to gather the following information that I thought might be helpful as you start your journey. It actually isn't too hard, the trick is:

1) Finding the right products for your hair type (3c, 4a, 4b or LOIS)
2) Current hair condition (high, normal, low porosity)
3) Current hair needs (dry, breakage, etc)

Then if that doesn't seem tricky enough, you also must figure how best to use these products for your hair (e.g. add oils, weekly vs bi-weekly, etc--the manufacturer's directions should be a start, but in some cases still need tweaking). In any regimen you should always have the following products:

1 Gentle/Moisturizing Shampoo. This should be used at least 1/week* depending on your schedule and hair needs. Choose a shampoo that is Sodium/Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate free. These ingredients tend to strip the hair making it feel squeaky clean. Your shampoo should leave your hair detangled and soft, not stripped. Here are some examples:

Abba Pure Moisture Shampoo
Abba Pure Color Protect Shampoo
Abba Pure Basic Shampoo
Alba Botanica Coconut Milk Extra Enrich Hair Wash
Alba Botanica Gardenia Hydrating Hair Wash
Alba Botanica Mango Moisturizing Hair Wash
Aphogee Deep Moisture Shampoo
AtOne Botanical Hydrating Shampoo
Aubrey Organics Island Naturals Replenishing Shampoo
Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Moisturizing Shampoo
Avalon Organics Extra Moisturizing Olive and Grapeseed Shampoo
Avalon Organics Nourishing Lavender Shampoo
Avalon Organics Awapuhi Mango Moisturizing Shampoo
Avalon Organics Tea Tree Mint Treatment Shampoo
Aveda Scalp Benefits Balancing Shampoo
Aveda Dry Remedy Shampoo
Bee Mine Peppermint & Tea Tree Nourishing Shampoo
Burt's Bee Color Keeper Green Tea & Fennel seed Shampoo
Burt's Bee More Moisture Raspberry & Brazil Nut Shampoo
Califia Care Shampoo 
Cream of Nature (red and green label)
Design Essentials Moisture Retention Shampoo
Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo
Elucence Moisture Benefits Shampoo
Giovanni Smooth as Silk Shampoo
Giovanni 50:50 Balance Shampoo
Jane Carter Solution Hydrating Invigorating Shampoo
Jason Natural Plumeria & Sea Kelp Shampoo
Kenra Moisturizing Shampoo
KeraCare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo
Kinky-Curly Come Clean Moisturizing Shampoo
Mane N Tail Deep Moisturizing Shampoo
Motions Weightless Conditioning Shampoo
Motions Lavish Shampoo
Mizani Botanifying Shampoo
Neutrogena Triple Moisture Cream Lather Shampoo
Nexxus Therappe Luxury Moisturizing Shampoo
Organix Smoothing Shea Butter Shampoo
Organix Hydrating Tea Tree Mint Shampoo
Oyin Grand Poo Bar
Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Moisture Retention Shampoo (currently using)
Silk Elements Luxury Moisturizing Shampoo
Silk Elements MegaSilk Olive Shampoo
Vatika Conditioning shampoo

*Some women choose to wash their hair once every 2 weeks or once a month vs once a week with some success. In these cases these women have chosen to co-wash in between shampoo sessions to keep the scalp clean. They then use shampoo to remove the build up (or "clarify") when needed. I have found that I must wash 1x week for my hair/scalp to feel its best.

1 Clarifying Shampoo. A clarifying shampoo should be used 1x/month*. By using this shampoo you will remove dirt, build up. It's a great way of starting your hair off fresh for the month. Your hair should feel squeaky clean after using this product. Here are some examples:

Alba Botanica Daily Shampoo
Aubrey Organics Mosqueta Nourishing Shampoo
Avalon Organics Lemon and Shea Butter
Carol's Daughter Rosemary Mint Purifying Shampoo
Design Essentials Organic Cleanse Deep Cleansing Shampoo
Elasta QP Scalp Stimulating Shampoo
Hydratherma Naturals Herbal / Amino Clarifying Shampoo
Ion Clarifying Shampoo
KeraCare 1st Lather Shampoo
Kenra Clarifying Shampoo
Nexxus Aloe Rid Shampoo
Organic Root Stimulator Uplifting Shampoo
Pantene Pro-V Purity Shampoo
Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoos
VO5 Herbal Escapes Kiwi Lime Squeeze Clarifying Shampoo
VO5 Herbal Escapes Kiwi Lime Squeeze Clarifying Conditioner

*If you are heavy handed with your products/oils etc. or use products with silicones you may want to use this more often but no more than 2x/month. I use a clarifying shampoo as needed.

1 Moisturizing Conditioner & 1 Protein Conditioner*. You should follow up with one of these conditioners after* every wash. Use either one depending on what your hair needs at the time. I have found deep conditioning my hair for 30 mins with heat (hooded dryer) has worked best for my hair. Protein conditioners are used for rebuilding the hair and giving it strength and moisture based conditioner softens and replenishes dry hair. Protein conditioners should be used when your hair feels mushy, spongy and limp. In some cases a protein conditioner needs to be followed by a moisturizing deep conditioner to restore moisture and elasticity to the hair.

*ETA August 23, 2014: I have learned that a separate moisturizing and protein conditioner is not as necessary as I once believed. Now, I only use and moisturizing conditioner and add a small amount of hydrolyzed wheat protein when I am completing a protein treatment, which is known to penetrate the hair shaft much more effectively. I have seen great benefits with this approach. I can control the level of protein in my conditioner, it's natural and it has saved me a lot of money.  I also save time because I do not have to follow up with a moisturizing conditioner. Win, win, win in my books.

** ETA August 23, 2014: I've recently learned that any "basic" conditioner can be turned into a "deep conditioner" by simply adding penetrating oils. In truth, most companies use the words "deep conditioner" when in fact the ingredients do not penetrate or fully condition the hair.

Here are some examples of moisture based conditioners:
KeraCare Humecto
Abba Pure Moisture Conditioner
Abba Pure Color Protect Conditioner
AtOne Botanicals Reconstructor
Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner  (currently using)
Aubrey Organics White Camellia Ultra-Smoothing Conditioner  (currently using)
Aubrey Organics Rosa Mosqueta Conditioner
Aussie Moist Conditioner
Avalon Organics Awapuhi Mango Moisturizing Conditioner
Avalon Organics Lavender Nourishing Conditioner
Aveda Color Conserve Conditioner
Aveda Dry Remedy Moisturizing Conditioner
Bee Mine Bee-U-Ti-Ful Deep Conditioner
Biolage Hydratherapie Conditioning Balm
Burt's Bee Super Shiny Grapefruit & Sugar Beet Conditioner
Carol's Daughter Tui Hair Smoothie
Creme of Nature Moisture Extreme Conditioner
Dove Advance Care Sheer MoistureConditioner
Dove Moisture Rich Color Conditioner
Dove Damage Therapy Daily Moisture Treatment
Deep Brilliance Moisture
Elasta QP DPR-11 Deep Penetrating Remoisturizer
Elucence Moisture Balance Conditioner
Frederick Fekkai's Shea Butter Moisturizing Conditioner
Giovanni Smooth as Silk Conditioner
Ion Color Defense Hydrating Moisture Treatment
Jane Carter Nutrient Replenishing Conditioner
Joico Moisture Recovery Conditioner
Joico Moisture Intense Treatment Extra Conditioning Conditioner
Kenra Deep Penetrating Moisturizing Conditioner
KeraCare Humecto Creme Conditioner
KeraCare Moisturizing Conditioner for Color Treated Hair
Keratease Nutritive Masquintense Nourishing Treatment
Lustrasilk Shea Butter and Mango Cholesterol
Motions Moisture Plus Conditioner
Mizani Hydrafuse Moisturizing Conditioner
Mizani Moisturefuse Moisturizing Conditioner
Neutrogena Triple Moisture Daily Deep Conditioner
Neutrogena Triple Moisture Deep Recovery Mask
Nexxus Humectress
Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner
Pantene Relaxed & Natural Breakage Defence Mask
Paul Mitchell Super Charged Moisturizer
Queen Helene Cholesterol
Redken All Soft
SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner  (currently using)
Silk Elements MegaSilk Moisturizing Treatment
Silk Elements Mega Cholesterol Conditioning Treatment

Here are some examples of protein based conditioners:
light = can be used 1-2x/week**
medium = 1-2x/month
medium-heavy = 4 weeks
heavy = every 6+ weeks or as needed

Aubrey Organics GPB (light)
Aveda Damage Remedy Conditioner (light)
Africa's Best Organics Hair Mayonnaise (light)
Creme of Nature Conditioning Reconstructor (light)
Elasta QP Fortifying Conditioner (light)
Elasta QP Breakage Control Serum (light)
Homemade Avocado Mask (light)
Homemade Banana Mask (light)
Hydratherma Naturals Amino Plus, Protein Deep Conditioning Treatment (light)
Joico K-Pak Reconstructor Conditioner (light)
Lekair Cholesterol Plus (light)
Mane N Tail Original Conditioner (light)
Motions Moisture Silk Protein Conditioner (light)
Neutrogena Triple  Moisture Recovery Mask (light)
Organic Root Stimulator Replenishing Pak Conditioner (light)
Organique Amla & Holy Basil Conditioner (light)
Vital Olive Oil Hair Mayonnaise (light)

Aphogee 2 min Reconstructor (medium)
Giovanni Smooth as Silk Extreme Protein Treatment (medium)
LeKair Cholesterol Plus Strengthening Conditioning Cream (medium)
Motions CPR Protein and Repair Treatment Conditioner (medium)
Design Essentials 6 N 1 Reconstructive Conditioner (medium)
Ion Repair Solutions Hair Reconstructor Treatment (medium)
Queen Helene Cholesterol Hair Conditioning Cream (medium)

Organic Roots Stimulator Hair Mayonnaise Treatment for Damage Hair (medium-heavy)
Henna (medium-heavy)

Affirm 5 in1 Reconstructor (heavy)
Aphogee 2 Step Protein Treatment (heavy)
Dudley's DRC 28 Hair Treatment and Fortifier (heavy)
Elucence Extended Moisture Repair Treatment (heavy)
Motions CPR Protein and Repair Treatment Conditioner (heavy)
Nexxus Emergencee (heavy)
Nexxus Keraphix Restroative Strengthening Conditioner (heavy)
Mizani Kerafuse Intensive Strengthening Treatment (heavy)

*Some women choose to DC before washing their hair, as they feel the hair absorbs more of the conditioner when dry. They then follow up with a regular moisturizing shampoo or co-wash.

**Depending on your current hair structure/chemistry and current condition (e.g. damage, low porosity) even mild protein conditioners may be too much to use weekly. Always assess your hair condition regularly.

1 Leave-in conditioner*. This should be used after washing the hair and remain in the hair as it dries.

Here are some examples of moisture based leave-in conditioners:

Aussie Leave-In Conditioner
Elasta QP H-two Leave-in Spray
Herbal Essences Break's Over Strengthening Leave-in Creme
Herbal Essences None of Your Frizzness Leave-in
Hollywood Beauty Carrot Oil Moisturizer
Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil Moisturizer
IC Fantasia Aloe Complex Leave In 
Jane Carter Solution Hair Nourishing Cream
Live Clean Argan Oil Smooth & Shine Cream
Luster's S-Curl No Drip Activator Moisturizer
Mixed Chicks Leave-In Conditioner
Neutrogena Triple Moisture Leave-in Creme
Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Moisturizer
Organic Root Stimulator Carrot Oil Moisturizer
Oyin's Frank Juice Nourishing Herbal Leave In
Oyin's Greg Juice Nourishing Herbal Leave In
Oyin Handmade Honey Dew Lightweight Quenching Lotion
Sunsilk TLC Cream
Profectiv Damage Free Anti-Tangle Leave In
Creme of Nature Lemongrass & Rosemary Leave-in
Silk Elements Megasilk Leave In Moisturizing Creme
Water-Aloe-Glycerin mix 
Wave Nouveau Finishing Lotion

Here are some examples of protein based leave-in conditioners:

Aphogee Green Tea Reconstructorizer
Aphogee Pro-Vitamin Leave in
Cantu Shea Butter Leave-in Conditioning Repair Creme
Chi Keratin Mist
Elasta QP Mango Butter
Giovanni Direct Leave In
Hydratherma Naturals Protein Balance Leave-In Conditioning Treatment
Infusium 23 Original
Herbal Essence Long Term Relationship Leave In
Kenra Daily Defense Leave-in
Komaza Shea Butter Hair Lotion
Mane N Tail Original Conditioner (can double as conditioner and leave-in)
Profectiv Break Free Leave In
Profectiv Mega Growth Treatment
Profectiv Healthy Ends Treatment
Salerm 21
Shea Moisture Organic Curl and Style Hair Milk 
Shea Moisture Organic Hold & Shine Hair Moisture Mist

*Some women use more than one leave in conditioner (e.g. protein based and moisture) with some success.

1 Water Based Daily Moisturizers
 Use daily to hydrate the hair. It can be used 1-2x/day depending on your hair needs. Due to the texture and structure of my hair I used this 1x/day other day depending on the hair style I am wearing and the moisturizer/styler I used.

Here are some examples of moisture based moisturizers:

Hollywood Beauty Carrot Oil Moisturizer
Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil Moisturizer
Jane Carter Solution Hair Nourishing Cream
Luster's S-Curl No Drip Activator Moisturizer
Neutrogena Triple Moisture Leave-in Creme
Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Moisturizer
Organic Root Stimulator Carrot Oil Moisturizer
Oyin's Frank Juice Nourishing Herbal Leave In
Oyin's Greg Juice Nourishing Herbal Leave In
Oyin Handmade Honey Dew Lightweight Quenching Lotion  (currently using)
Profectiv Damage Free Anti-Tangle Leave In
Creme of Nature Lemongrass & Rosemary Leave-in
Silk Elements Megasilk Leave In Moisturizing Creme
Water-Aloe-Glycerin mix  (currently using)
Wave Nouveau Finishing Lotion

Here are some examples of protein based moisturizers:

Aphogee Green Tea Reconstructorizer
Aphogee Pro-Vitamin Leave in
Cantu Shea Butter Leave-in Conditioning Repair Creme
Chi Keratin Mist
Elasta QP Mango Butter
Infusium 23 Original
Herbal Essence Long Term Relationship Leave In
Komaza Shea Butter Hair Lotion
Profectiv Break Free Leave In
Profectiv Mega Growth Treatment
Profectiv Healthy Ends Treatment
Shea Moisture Organic Curl and Style Hair Milk   (currently using)
Shea Moisture Organic Hold & Shine Hair Moisture Mist   (currently using)

Natural Oils are used for sealing in water based moisturizers. Apply by adding a light coating of oil to the ends of the hair and work your way up.Oils can also be added to conditioners and used as a pre-poo.

Here are some examples:

Avocado Oil  (currently using in DC)
Argan Oil (currently using as in DC)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (currently using in DC)
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (currently using in DC)
Shea Butter
Jojoba Oil (currently using on scalp)
Jamaican Black Castor Oil/Castor Oil (currently using JBCO on scalp and Castor in leave in)
Macadamia Nut Oil 
Safflower Oil

Basic Regimen to Get You Started!

You Will Need:

1 Clarifying Shampoo
1 Moisturizing Shampoo
1 Moisturizing Deep Conditioner
1 Protein Deep Conditioner
1 Leave-in Conditioner
1 Daily Moisturizer
1 Natural Oil

Additional items:
Wide tooth comb
Satin/Silk Scarf and/or Satin Bonnet
  • Shampoo your hair with a moisturizing shampoo 1-2x/week (Preferably sulfate free)
  • Use a moisturizing deep conditioner with heat after every shampoo
  • Always follow up with a leave-in conditioner
  • Use a water-based moisturizer 1-2x/day then seal in the moisture with a natural oil
  • Always wear a satin/silk scarf or bonnet to bed
  • Relax no sooner than 8 weeks
  • Do a protein treatment when needed (whenever the hair feels very limp, mushy, overly soft etc.)
  • Trim when needed
  • Use a Clarifying shampoo (remove buildup) 1-2x/month (depending on the amount of product you use)
  • Use a wide tooth comb to comb/detangle your hair. You'll experience less breakage.
That's it!! Remember to take a step back and re-evaluate your hair and your methods. LISTEN to your hair. It will tell you when something is not working well for you (i.e. dryness, breakage etc.) Give your hair time to get adjusted. It's all about trial and error until you realize what your hair likes, then you'll see improvement.

Happy Hair Growing!!

Source (Thanks SunShyne!)
*The Science of Black Hair 

© copyright 2009-2015; All rights reserved ManeDiva

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Maxi Kit Split Ender

As you know I bought the Maxi Kit Split Ender a few weeks ago after hearing some great things about it. I had some challenges with it. Despite its "simplicity" I found it was hard to get my hair into the contraption as my hair often got caught in the teeth of the tool. It also seemed to cut just a touch more than it was suppose to cut (1/8-1 inch) on some passes, where it should have only cut 1/8-1/4 of an inch. I will say my hair did look a little smoother once I was finished, so I was impressed with that. Overall, it is a good tool to have to take you through your journey, especially if you want to hold off on trims, but need to keep your split ends in check. It is not comparable to a trim, so you will still need to get a trim done every so often. The nice thing is, that with this tool will allow you to hold off a bit longer in between relaxer touch ups. For these reasons I give it a Smiley.

Smiley - Smiley = not worth the money, don't waste your time.

Smiley - Smiley = neither hit or miss; just okay

Smiley - Smiley = good product; really worth trying.

Smiley = amazing product!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Relaxer Day

So today was my relaxer day. I am somewhat pleased with my progress because there was some growth,  however I experienced a lot of breakage because I was putting too much protein (yet again) and stress on my hair. My hairdresser suggested I stop wearing my twist because he thinks my hair is too fine for the twist (extensions) I've been wearing as a protective style, which has also been hindering my growth retention. Although it makes me sad (they have become my safety blanket) I think I agree.  I am still not happy with my sides as a result of this issue (they are currently still touching my jaw!). In other words it looks as though there has been no growth/progress?!!!!

I had significant new growth over the last two months, particularly in the back and the front. Those areas seem to take care of themselves no matter what type of abuse I dish out. My new growth was also a bit thicker, especially in the front and nape area. so I am pleased.  My sides are a completely different story though. Breakage, shedding....Absolutely no progress there. I think overall I would see a lot of change in the thickness if my hair wasn't damaged. Over the next few months I am going to have to give my sides some serious TLC and go back to the basics (massage, scalp oil mix) to see if I can salvage what I've achieved and halt this breakage issue I've been dealing with. I was just doing too more chemical based scalp growth aids.

I didn't get a trim this time around even though my hairdresser suggested it. Instead I used the Maxi Kit Split-Ender to "dust" my ends when I got home. My ends definitely looked cleaner after using it, so it' s plus in my book for helping me retain length, while keeping split ends in check (I will post a review tomorrow). I will probably do a proper trim after my next relaxer, I don't want my ends to look wimpy, wimpy, wimpy.... (as they are a little uneven). However I won't be asking my scissor happy hairdresser to trim my ends. I'll get my sister/friend to do it for me.

I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like my hair is getting thinner. I think it may be due to some of the breakage, but will need to pay attention to that. I also think my hairdresser made my hair a little straighter than he should have, so I'm not happy there because right now it feels a little lifeless. I hope it doesn't have a negative impact on my hair overtime (e.g. breakage).

As a final note, I M & S with NTM and  the silk oil capsules that come with the Maxi Kit and my hair is loving it. I will say my ends are super crispy right now and it really needs the added moisture. M & Sing seems to really help my ends look a bit better. It's unfortunate I was sleeping on this process for the last 5 months. Oh well, you live and learn.