Sunday, April 18, 2010

JBCO Challenge: Week One

Today was wash day and I must say I am surprise to feel a little bit of new growth. Nothing major mind you, but considering I typically only grow about 1/4 an inch a month, I should not feel anything this soon (approx 2 weeks post). I used the Burt's Bee Pre-poo once again, and let's say, not too impressed, even after using if overnight. I will be writing a review shortly after I complete this post.

Of course I will be applying my oil blend mix to my scalp after I style my hair. I will say my scalp was a bit itchy last week. Nothing major, but enough for me to say--"hey what's going on, I thought I dealt with this". I have made a few changes to the EOs I am adding to the blend, so hopefully that should address my scalp issues. I have also decided to reduce the amount of jojoba oil I am using and increase the amount of JBCO I am using. Nothing major, just a tsp for each to see if i can tolerate the JBCO bit better. I have been using it long enough that my scalp should have adapted to its "power" by now. One step at a time.

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