Sunday, April 25, 2010

JBCO Challenge: Week Two

So it is week two of the JBCO Challenge. I've noticed that on days I don't oil my scalp I have some itching. So far so good. It concerns me of course because I am looking to stop my itching not do anything to increase it, but it's not horrible. I have noticed a little (and I do mean a little) bit of new growth in certain sections of my hair, which feels soft. Pretty good sign if you ask me, because I never see new growth this early (I am currently 3 weeks post). Can I attribute this to the JBCO, yeah perhaps. I mean I have also used some EOs as well, which are also known for enhancing hair growth and I also have other oils added to my mix (e.g. jojoba and EVCO).  I am also trying (not doing too great) to eat better and I am exercising at least 4-5 times a week. All factors that contribute to achieving maximum hair growth. You notice I didn't say increase hair growth I still believe nothing can help you go beyond your maximum growth rate. Some may disagree, but whenever someone reports they got 1/2-1 of growth from a product, it is more likely that the product help create a situation that allowed them to reach their full potential, whether it was keeping their scalp clean (e.g. JBCO, MN), helping with circulation, adding additional nutrients to the hair follicles (e.g. EO); It was not the product in itself. I mean we all know a clean scalp, circulation, moisture and nutrients are key to hair growth (or any cell for that matter), which can all be achieved by eating a balanced diet high in certain nutrients, regular exercise, scalp massages and regular shampoo (or co-washes).  While JBCO may have something to do with my mini spurt of growth I can't really tell. Unfortunately, past experience has shown me that I can't use JBCO on its own, but I may try to use more of it in my mix to see what happens. We'll see....

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