Sunday, December 12, 2010

I'm Back and Armed with Argan Oil!

I know, it has been a minute since I last posted an entry on Diva! Life, as you know, can get in the way of some of our goals, even if that goal is to keep a simple blog going. I won't get into details about my absence, because I am a strong believer that some things are meant to be private, but I will say I am well and my hair is still on the top of my head LOL!

Anyway, in my absence I have been taking it easy, but still doing some research, looking for good products that will allow me to achieve some success as I enter another year of my hair journey. The one thing, or should I say one ingredient I have come a cross time and time again in my exploration of new hair products is argan oil. Now if you are not familiar with argan oil I would wonder where you have been over the last few months because this product seems to be everywhere! You can find it in its pure, natural form or infused in shampoos, conditioners or leave ins. So I wanted to find out what all the hype was about. What is argan oil and why is it the new "it oil" for hair? This is what I found out:

Argan Oil is a natural oil native to Morocco. Derived from the crushed fruit and nuts of the Argan tree, this oils has historically been used by Moroccans in cooking  for dipping bread, on couscous, or on salads and most recently for the treatment of hair and skin.

Argan Oil is produced from the kernels of argan tree fruit. These trees only grow in a few regions of Morocco, so this oil is one of the rarest in the world due the small supply and the limited growing area. It consists of a blend of fatty acids (over 70% oleic and linoleic acids.), Vitamin E, phenols, and carotenes, which has shown to be helpful at improving hair strength and revive and renew hair damaged by heat, wind, oxidization or over-styling and processing.  Many believe it is excellent for locking in moisture and improving shine and luster. The oils' primary benefit seems to come from its ability to naturally hydrate and to help stop frizziness, fly-away and hard to control, unmanageable hair. Argan Oil has been shown to penetrate the hair shaft and almost instantly improve follicle elasticity and increase nourishment.

Argan Oil is also said to be a good hair detangler when applied to wet, freshly shampooed hair. Dubbed the "miracle oil" from Morocco, it competes with Jojoba oil as a very effective hair treatment that renourishes and replenishes dry or brittle hair while protecting and healing damage. As an added benefit, Argan Oil appears to help color treated hair. Essential fatty acids smooth and coat the follicle shaft and have been shown to extend the life of color treated hair.

Seems pretty good to me! Let me know what you think, especially if you have tried it or currently use it.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Anniversary Diva!

Well it was a year today that I decided to "get serious" about my hair...LOL! Well I will say I've become more focused on my hair, but I have to be honest I haven't really been "serious". It's been an interesting ride, and I am now a believer that black woman can have long beautiful hair. No magical pills or "mixed" genetic makeup required. Just patience, education and love (wish I could bottle and sell that). I already posted my thoughts on the past year, so I will not go into a long reflection, but I will add one more thing. As I pointed out above I wasn't as serious as I could have been to maintain my hair in an effort to reach my goals, but that will change. Another thing that will change is the person taking care of my hair. Up to this point it has been a shared effort between my hairdresser and myself. I did the day to day maintenance, and my hairdresser did the relaxer touch ups and trims. Well, no more. No more hairdressers with scissor happy hands, no more appointments that aren't convenient. Just me (and the odd time my sister when I need a trim LOL). I will tell you why:

I got a relaxer on Friday just in time for my blog's anniversary. I was actually looking forward to posting my results as I always do. I didn't expect a huge difference from my last relaxer, but at least an inch or two, because that is what I measured in terms of new growth. Well I will say upfront to avoid any anticipation, there is nothing to report because yet again too much of my hair was "trimmed off" by my hairdresser. As I type this I am getting heated under the collar, but I will stay calm to tell the rest of my tale. Now I admit my hair had been experiencing some challenges in August. I had manage to stop my breakage, and the shedding had even reduced as well. My sides have always been an issue, really slow growth, but putting the slow growth and past breakage aside, I know I couldn't be seeing things. I mean my hair has to be growing, right? So then what's up? Why hasn't it budged since July? I don't wear it on my shoulders, it's always protected, I don't see small broken pieces on the bathroom floor when I wash my hair or comb it... Am I just imagining my hair is growing more than it is and blaming my hairdresser for the lack of proof after my relaxer? I didn't think so, but that could be the case.

To put an end to the mystery I decided to put my hair in two plaits just prior to my touch up and measure the length. Plated with new growth and all, my hair touched my shoulders, I though okay, progress. Once relaxed it should be half and inch or so below that check point. I got my relaxer, it felt good. As I see my hairdresser reaching for his shears I warn him "only a light trim" and he laughs and tells me "I know, but it really needs a trim". Now that was my first mistake, I promised myself last time, no more trims, but since I was having issues this relaxer cycle I thought it may need a slight snip to clean up my ends. So I watch him as best I can as he trims my hair, which he states once again is badly needed--now I am the first to admit when my hair is jacked up looking--it wasn't as bad as he says, come on. Anyway, I couldn't see the back, but thought, it doesn't look like he's taking off too much. All the time he is telling me how much my hair has grown and how much healthier it is. I was pleased to hear the feedback, especially since I was really hard on myself about the state of my hair last month. There I am smiling, proud of myself, and then my heart stops, my smile fades. As he proceeded to work to the sides of my hair I get a better view of what he is doing and that is when I see him cut 2 inches from both the crown and the side of my hair! |It happened so quick I couldn't say "hey that's a little much". At this point I had to let him continue unless I wanted a lop sided hair cut. I lost it! What the Smiley?! I was totally pist! This man has been cutting off my hair. It is no surprise I am not seeing any change in my hair. Here I am driving myself crazy thinking it's me, my hair isn't retaining length, what am I doing wrong, I now know. There he is raving about how much longer and fuller my hair is, "guuurl, look at you" while he chopping it all off. I have to say it again what the Smiley! So there is was the back of my hair just past my should, like it was in June, my sides just past my jawline, like it was in April and it was at that very moment I decided I am going to take care of my hair from this point on. Never again will I sit in a hairdresser's chair to have someone else destroy all my hard work. I don't know if this is a huge mistake because I may totally mess up my hair, but I will risk it. I worked very hard these last two months to achieve the lengths I grew and in seconds it was simply gone. I recently incorporated exercise, regular and balanced meals to boost my overall health in an effort to get better results, and this?! Now I know I should have been doing the exercise and regular meals anyways, not just because of my hair, but I realized the impact it was having on my hair as well and made more of an effort to follow through with these new changes. All for nothing (so to speak--again your overall health is worth the effort too). I braided my hair in two big plaits once I got home to see if I was right, and there it was, just hovering above my shoulders no longer touching my shoulders. So there you have it, my final lesson for the year. I am glad I learned it now rather than later.

Happy birthday "Diva!", and here's to a better new year Smiley

Holy Cream!

Well I have been on the hunt for a really good all natural, inexpensive, moisture based leave in conditioner and I have yet to find (or create) one, but things look promising. I know that there are some great natural products that are currently on the market, but I just can't will myself to pay the hefty price that usually comes along with them. Now I don't mind spending money on my hair--I have a cabinet full of hair products to prove that. I just can't justify paying $25-30 on a hair cream or conditioner, despite their benefits when I know the ingredients being used are quite inexpensive and can be found in my own kitchen. I just need to make a decent batch and I will be on my way..... Now I am not hating on any of these companies and entrepreneurs selling all natural products at retail prices, everyone needs to eat. I guess I've just been disappointed with some of the products out there (given the price) and I have done enough research that I simple can't go back to paying for overpriced products (for the long term). I also have a better understanding of my hair's unique needs and what better way to respond to your hair's needs than create a product that is as unique as your hair? For obvious reasons I still buy hair products, I mean I have hair to maintain don't I? I just don't plan to do it forever. There is simply too much knowledge out there to help you keep most of your money in your pocket by making your own stuff, so why not try--at least. I have no intention of ever selling my homemade hair products once I finally get my thing going. My only goal has been to take care of my own hair, my way. That's my choice, and I stick by it.  Okay, rant over...I was suppose to be posting a review! 

Live Clean Argan Oil Smooth & Shine Cream ($5.99 CDN). The other day I was "window shopping" in the hair care aisle at one of my favorite health food stores in Kensington Market, and I came across this product. I thought I'd give it a try because the ingredients looked promising, and although not 100% natural, it was inexpensive. I will say as a pro, it is 98% plant based, vegan and paraben free. It also has a nice consistency (not too thick or thin), which initially gave me concern simply because I have found most moisturizing leave ins tend to be on the runnier/thinner side. The thicker ones are usually either to heavy for my hair or too drying. I must say I was so wrong. My hair came out soooooo amazingly soft and light once it dried I was blown away. At the time I was 7 weeks post relaxer (I got a touch up on Friday) and it made my new growth very manageable. Throughout the week I tried it again on dry hair, and it didn't seem to melt into my hair as well, but eventually got absorbed. The first time I used the product it was on damp hair. The directions state that it should be used on damp hair, so I can't really get mad at that, I was just hoping to use it more than one way. Con: As you know already it isn't 100% natural and the smell is interestingly pleasant LOL. It won't be for everyone! With all this considered it gets a Smiley from me. Definitely will continue, but hopefully not for too much longer!

Smiley - Smiley = not worth the money, don't waste your time.

Smiley - Smiley = neither hit or miss; just okay

Smiley - Smiley = good product; really worth trying.

Smiley = amazing product!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Anniversary: A Time to Reflect

So I am approaching my hair anniversary very soon (October 31), and I have some mixed feelings. This comes from the recent changes I've been noticing with my hair--sadly, not all good at all. In short, I have noticed that I have been experiencing some breakage and my hair/ends seem to be getting thinner. I am scratching my head wondering what is going on, because I think my regimen is pretty solid, but I just don't know what else it could be.I was reviewing some of my previous blog entries to get a handle of the situation, and there were a few things that occurred to me. 

The one thing I noticed was the fact that there was one point where my hair  was really flourishing (January 2010-April 2010). I had significant growth, I was retaining hair, I had less scalp issues--and this all during the coldest time of year! I was being consistent with my regimen, I was also exercising regularly and eating well (enough--LOL). Then I fell short. I'm not sure if I was simply exhausted and not thinking straight or upset because I was not seeing the results I wanted to see, but something changed and simply went soooo wrong.  Key words here: "results I wanted to see"

Because I was so hung up on achieving my ultimate goal of MBL, I did not take the time to acknowledge and enjoy the results I was actually achieving. As a result, I was overdoing things in an effort to accomplish my first hair goal (of SL) at all cost, which led to mental exhaustion, inconsistency with my regimen, a revamped regimen time and time again and a botched experiment with products promising to increase hair growth (I know, I know, no such thing as a miracle hair growth serum).  This also led to protein overload, horrible breakage at the line of demarcation and excess shedding. Luckily I was able to preserve most of the length I had achieved (and oddly enough add some volume to my hair), but it didn't stay that way.

My desire to increase my hair growth carried over into May and June 2010, which leads me to today. Today, a few weeks shy of my anniversary, my hair is in a very different state than it was before. It seems to have taken a 180, or maybe more like 160 because my hair has not reverted to its old ways considering everything it has been through, which I am grateful. It started out broken and damaged, saw the light and began to thrive, but like a plant that gets over watered began to die off in spots from to much love. Learning a great deal from hair sites and blogs I have managed to salvage what I did accomplish, so I have been able to avoid a major disaster, but I came pretty close. Now, I am approaching my anniversary with a lot more knowledge about my hair, what my hair likes and doesn't like and how to manage challenges with my hair much more appropriately.

I think my biggest challenge this past year has been my lack of patience. Impatience, in this case can be far worse than any hot iron or scissor happy hairdresser because it can lead you to make so many mistakes. As you know I am constantly tweeking my hair regimen for one reason or another. Yes my hair has needed additional support at certain points of my journey, but that doesn't necessarily mean I need to revamp my regimen, which is what I did. Truthfully, I think I was also putting way too much emphasis on products: what they can do, should do and weren't doing to help me achieve longer lengths faster rather than simply trying to achieve overall healthier hair. Where did I go wrong? LOL! All I can really do is laugh at myself because at the end of the day it's just hair. Beautiful, shiny, always growing hair. I just need to learn how to hold onto it as it does grow. I see now that I was taking this whole thing way too seriously, not an enjoyable experience at all. All I can do now is approach this new year more aware, more focused, and hopefully much more patient. 


Friday, September 3, 2010

The Benefits of Using Infused Oils

Most recently I have been in the kitchen experimenting with various items; playing around with homemade products. The other day I had a friend over and as she was looking at some of the changes I did to my kitchen she asked me why I had all the jars on my counter (my friend is so nosy, but so am I--two peas in a pod I tell you LOL). Well, each jar had oil and either herbs, dried flowers or vanilla pods. To the average person it would look a bit weird, but to anyone that enjoys using natural products (chefs and hair diva's a like) you  would already know what I was doing; I was infusing my oils. 

You may have noticed from my posted hair regimen that I infuse my jojoba oil with various herbs to boost my oil blend. It is a very easy process and adds tons of beneficial herbal properties to your oils as well as a pleasant smelling aroma to your final product. 

My main purpose for infusing my oils is to incorporate it into my homemade lotions, creams salves and balms, which can be used for healing dry and irritated/inflamed skin, healing skin aliments (acne, eczema, psoriasis, chapped skin, ect) and relieve burns. They can, of course, also be used for scalp aliments as well:

Lavender and Chamomile 
Oils infused with these flowers can be used for its antiseptic, calming and soothing properties

Coltsfoot & Horsetail
The leaves contain silica and are often used in hair products. it is believed to have regenerative properties, strengthens hair and reduces shedding

Encourages growth by improving circulation and reduces shedding

Oils infused with these flowers can be used for dry, inflamed and irritated skin/scalp

For additional herbal properties please review my post on plant oil benefits and explanations

 There are a few ways you can infuse your oil, I prefer to do cold infusions (which I have outlined below), but I may explore other methods in the future. However you choose to do your infusion you need to make sure you meet the following guidelines: 
  • First and foremost: You must sterilize all jars and utensils used in the process.This can be done with a 1 part bleach/4 part water mixture, alcohol or boiling water.
  • Fresh herbs must be slightly wilted before infusing, which is an indication that your fresh herbs are completely dry.  Any moisture in the oil will cause mold.  To dry your fresh herbs place them on a clean paper towels to absorb any moisture from the plant.  You can also place one on top and gently press. Allow your herbs to sit for a couple of hours and then place in your oil.
  • Dry herbs may be used as is in the oil.
  • Always check your herbs for any foreign substances before adding to the oil.

    • Place your dry herbs in a clean sterile glass jar
    • Add your herbs to the jar filling approximately half way
    • Slowly pour your oil of choice (e.g. jojoba, caster oil, olive oil, etc) covering the herbs. Stop once inch from the top rim of the jar.
    • Stir your oil to ensure the herbs are completely covered. Wait a about few minutes before covering the jar.
    • Shake the jar for a few minutes, label (date and ingredients) and set aside in a dark cool place
    • For the first week you want to smell and shake the jar everyday to ensure it does not smell off.
    • Allow to sit for 3-8 weeks depending you taste. The longer the infusion, the more medicinal properties will be present in your batch.

    As you know I do not have a video camera so I have posted a video by Mountain Rose Herbs to give you a visual tutorial. I have been following Mountain Rose Herbs for a while because they offer great tutorials  and publish a monthly newsletter. I hope it helps!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Peace Found in Summer Cleaning

I think the greatest thing a product junkie can do for herself is complete a semi-annual purge. I did one yesterday and oh my gosh, I have space, I can find products, I feel organized and I even feel "lighter" emotionally. Unfortunately, it's comes with the territory of being a product junkie: you are going to have "stuff" everywhere! Speaking from experience it makes me feel overwhelmed and just scattered because I have product all over the place. Now I want to point out--I am not a slob LOL. I really don't want to give off that impression. All my stuff are tucked underneath my cabinet. The problem is my cabinet is very standard, builder basic, which is a box with 2 doors. As a result, it's typically a 10-15 minute get-down-on-your-knees and rummage through piles of product to find my conditioner, shampoo, rollers or whatever it is I am searching for routine every time I want to do my hair. The other problem with having everything piled in front of each other at the bottom of my cabinet the way that it is is you have tons of product and you don't even remember it's there. As a result, you end up buying more, or it simply sits there. So I decided that enough was enough and I went out and bought a cabinet organizer, threw/gave away any product that was not benefiting my hair. I got myself organized, and I am so glad I did. I still have a lot of stuff to get through as I try to become "all natural" in terms of hair products, but it's a start. I have also promised myself that I am not going to buy any new products (suggested or otherwise) until what I am currently using is either finished or thrown/given away. I am hoping that this won't become an issue anymore as I streamline the products I use, however let's be honest. I'm not perfect. Things happen, and like any obsession (e.g. my hair) and addiction (e.g. products) you will have setbacks. I just need to take it one step at a time....LOL.

Henna Treatment: A Natural Alternative to Stronger Hair

As you ladies know I use henna on a monthly basis to aid in hair retention as I trudge through my hair journey. It is a great all natural product that is often used for body art, but it is also quite commonly used as a natural hair conditioner.

Henna (lawsonia inermis) is a plant, which has be used for hundreds of years as a hair dye in various parts of North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and South Asia. The leaves have red-orange dye molecule, known as lawsone, which penetrates the hair and bonds to the keratin found in hair. Lawsone blocks UV rays so your hair doesn’t become sun damaged. It strengthens the hair so it won’t get split ends, makes the hair glossy and shiny, eliminates dandruff and other scalp aliments.

Body art quality henna is absolutely safe* to put on the hair, even hair that has been synthetic dyed. You can also bleach or dye over body art quality henna without damaging the hair. In contrast, the commercially available henna hair dyes that come in “colors”, such as black, brunette, chestnut, blonde, etc are compound hennas. They are lower quality henna and add toxic metal salts, chemical dyes, other ingredient, even para-phenylenediamine, to create their colors.  This type of hennas is often termed “natural henna”, however this is very misleading, as these products are full of chemicals, which can seriously damage the hair when combined with synthetic hair dye, or sodium hydroxide (lye).

While allergic reactions to henna are extremely rare, I have (finally) noticed a few issues with my scalp as a result of using henna (e.g. inflamed, itchy). I write the word "finally", because I just did not know what was going on with my scalp until a few months ago. However, rather than give up on my beloved henna completely I will be experimenting with a few things to see if I can continue to use it simply because I love the results: fuller, stronger, soft hair ( I have henna in my hair as I type this post). The problem is my scalp is just too sensitive, but if I gave up this easily when I first began using JBCO I would have never seen the changes I have seen in my hair. I have my limits however. I will not continue to use an item at the detriment of my scalp because at the end of the day a healthy scalp leads to healthy hair.

But back to the henna! I decided to do this post because I noticed that there are several women that would like to use henna or have heard about the benefits of henna, but they are worried about potential side effects. I must say, prior to using henna myself I did A LOT of research on the product and I strongly recommend you do the same. In my quest for information I browsed a few hair sites with women that have a similar hair type such as myself (e.g. relaxed, dark brown, fine) and are currently using the product. I also visit  Catherine Cartwright-Jones website where you will be able to find tons of information on henna and how to apply this product to the hair. She also sells henna (in a addition to other products), but I have never purchased this product from her or any online provider. A local health food store I usually visit in Toronto sells it, so I buy the henna I use locally.

It goes without saying that the hours spent researching a product will save you weeks or even months of damage you will have to undo because you rushed into using a products without adequate knowledge about the product or how to use it. As well, like any other product, be mindful of your hair needs. Some women can use a product weekly or even daily, while other can only use it once a month. Some people assume that just because something is "natural" they can use it all the time, or any way that they want. Not so. Natural products, like synthetic products need to be respected. "Less is more" and "prevention is better than a cure", so use with caution. With any product always ask yourself, what am I trying to achieve with this product, and this can go for any product you are using on your hair (shampoo, conditioner, leave ins). If is not giving you the desire effect, feel or look, then assess how you are using it. If the issue is not a matter of how you are using the product, but the product itself then it's time to chuck it . I have just begun to follow this advise--a pack rat-product junkie is not a good combination LOL. If you have any other question regarding henna just throw them my way. I will either try to answer your questions, send you some literature on the subject or re-direct you to a place where can get your questions answered. I will no longer be posting articles to my blog as I have received some flak for some info I posted a while back ("Shea Butter: Liquid Gold for the Hair"), which has since been removed from my blog. As a result, I am much more cautious about what type of information I will be posting on my site. Just remember the "search" engine can be your best friend; I know it's mine.

* Disclaimer: please complete adequate research and a patch test before using any product, natural or otherwise. Stylista and Diva! is not responsible for any negative outcomes resulting from products suggested on this site.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm Back

I haven't had the opportunity to post very many entries because I've been away on vacation. Truth be told there isn't much to update simply because I've had my hair in a protective style (twists extensions) for the past week. I'm glad I did. The last thing I want to deal with while away on what was suppose to be a restful holiday (it's a long story) is deal with my hair. My hair was also crying out for a break from all the tugging, combing, curling and stress I've put it under as I prepared for my friend's wedding. I think I was under as much stress as the bride to be some days!'s done, I'm home and I feel a lot better.

I think I am going to keep my hair in twist for a minute. I am too tired to deal with it right now---I know, I know I am being lazy....

here's a pic of my hair

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Elasta QP Design Foam

Well as you know I have been on a mission to create a great roller set. Along the way I have picked up a few items that would help me achieve the look I want. Well today was my first stab at using a new product and I must say I was happy with the results. Now, I am sure you know I am trying to find all natural products to use on my hair. You may also know that it was very hard to find a great all natural product let alone an all natural styling aid, and while I have found one (e.g. Giovanni Natural Mousse) at my local health food store, but after reading some reviews I decided against it. At this stage of my journey, given all of the drama I had last week with my roller sets I really just want to work on perfecting my roller set before venturing in "all natural" territory. I feel I need a starting base so that I have something to compare it to. Once I have "mastered" my roller set, then I will begin to incorporate Giovanni Natural Mousse and abandon the Elasta QP.

With that said, I did find something that came very close to being natural, at least more so than the other products I have seen.

Here are the ingredients: Botanical Extracts of Rosemary, Nettle, Lemon Balm, Chamomile, Horse Chestnut, Coltsfoot Leaf, Horsetail in Purified Water, Vinyl-pyrrilidone/Dimethylaminoethyl Methacrylate Copolymer, Panthenol, Benzophenone-4, Methylparaben, Octoxynol-13, Citric Acid and Fragrance.

Promise: Elasta QP Design Foam is a lightweight styling foam for use with wrap styles, roller set, or blow dry styles. Conditions, detangles, and adds shine to hair as it styles.

Results: For the most part I was impressed with this product. It gave me good hold that was flexible (moved with out stiffness). It was a little crispy (I used 6 pumps for the whole head--perhaps too much), but once I combed my hair out it ease out nicely. My only concern was that I saw some hair strains in my wide tooth comb as I was combing it out. When I went out and ran a few errands, my style held up against the wind, but moved easily ( a little too easy for my liking). For these reasons I've given this design foam a Smiley.

Stylista's rating:

Smiley - Smiley = not worth the money, don't waste your time.

Smiley - Smiley = neither hit or miss; just okay

Smiley - Smiley = good product; really worth trying.

Smiley = amazing product!
In the next two weeks I will be trying a setting lotion to see if I get better results. Watch out for that review! next!

JBCO Challenge: Week Nine and Finale

I wanted to give a quick update regarding the JBCO challenge, especially since I did not initially feel I had committed enough the challenge to see a difference in my hair. Well I must say, although the growth was minimal (due to poor diet, lack of sleep and a much needed "trim"--LOL), the difference in the thickness of my hair was significant though (comparison below). With that being said, clearly JBCO can have an impact on your hair--or at least mine, in terms of the thickness; length/growth is a completely different story. Diet, sleep, adequate exercise all play much bigger roles in you reaching your maximum potential growth (e.g. 1/4-1/2 inch/month)  than any "growth aid".

So there you have it, thicker, but no real growth. Even my hairdresser commented on the change in the fullness of my hair. All pics were taken right after my relaxer, and you know how flat and lifeless your hair can look right after a relaxer. My hair was also styled the same way with the same products in all of the pics as well (e.g. blown dry and flat ironed).

In light of these great results I want to emphasize the fact that no product can permanently thicken up the strains that have already sprouted out of your head, it can only help enhance the new growth you will achieve, which can make the overall hair look thicker. With time, as you continue to use the product you will begin to have thicker strains as the hair continues to grow in thicker. For this reason alone I think I will continue with JBCO as I am finally a believer (in its ability to thicken hair) and I have given it a Smiley because I definitely think its worth using, just don't expect wonders*.

*some women have reported significant thickness and growth.

Stylista's rating:

Smiley - Smiley = not worth the money, don't waste your time.

Smiley - Smiley = neither hit or miss; just okay

Smiley - Smiley = good product; really worth trying.

Smiley = amazing product!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mini Hair Goals (Quick Review)

It's been a while since I've reviewed my hair goals, which I think I will begin to do after each relaxer to help me stay focused. Over the last 4 months or so I've been trying to do too much, which has left me overwhelmed, tired, frustrated and resulted in some horrible setbacks. 

Despite the few set backs I have had, I have manage to maintain some length, which is nothing to be too sad about. I think I could have accomplished more in certain areas (e.g. the sides of my head), so maybe if I remain focused on the prize I will do better this relaxer cycle.

Here is where I am with things:
  1. Eliminate (or at least seriously reduce) dry/itchy scalp (doing much better since May)
  2. Reduce breakage 
  3. Obtain and maintain strength/moisture balance (definitely getting better)
  4. Reduce shedding 
  5. Increase thickness 
  6. Increase growth and even out hair length (SL by Summer 2010) 
  7.  Low manipulation style 95% of the time
  8. Daily 1 min scalp massages (need to be consistent)
Here is my status on my overall health goals:
  1. Drink more H2O (minimum 2 litres/day)
  2. Eat 6 small well balanced meals everyday (esp. breakfast!)
  3. Take a good quality multivitamin (3x/day) as well as regular Iron, Calcium and B-vitamin complex (getting better)
  4. Get adequate sleep
  5. De-stress with regular exercise/fun activity (I've been doing well here)
So it appears I've been sleeping on my overall health mini goals, so I will need to put more effort there, but as for my hair it seems like I am doing my thing. Let's see if I can keep it going.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Relaxer Day

Well it's relaxer time again! A bit early, but necessary because I have a wedding coming up and I want to avoid the drama of getting my hair done days before the big event. As well, my hair is very limp and lifeless after a fresh relaxer, and giving it a few washes seems to plump it up---don't know why, but it does.

I must say I was pleasantly surprise by the fullness of my hair. Even my hairdresser noticed and said he sees an improvement in the health of of my hair (I have posted pic below). I specifically asked my hairdresser to style my hair exactly the same so I could really see the difference. It looks thicker to me. In terms of growth, nothing to brag about, but it could have been much worse (e.g. breakage, shedding). I had to get a light trim (1/4-1/2 inch) because my ends were a little ragged, I also notice that one side of my head (at the back) grows significantly faster that the other side. I think at this stage of my hair journey I am beginning to see the importance of achieving and maintaining the health of my hair oppose to just trying to achieve length.

So it appears that I will not achieve my goal of full SL by July because my sides are just ridiculous in terms of growth--they DON'T!!!! My sides have not budged at all since my last relaxer. I don't understand it. So I will be adding that to my list of hair goals. I am happy to see that the back of my head is progressing well though.

Monday, June 7, 2010

JBCO Challenge: Week Eight

This week has been the same as the past three weeks...Unfortunately, I have really been sleeping on the whole scalp application/massage procedure. I am planning to relax my hair this weekend and I'm not sure what to expect. I am a little disappointed in myself. I think over the last three months I just tried to do way too much. You know the saying, "Jack of all trades, Master of none". I've been driving myself crazy trying to prepare for this special event and really I just made myself sick in the process. Literally and figuratively. So, there you have it, I have "mastered" (or accomplished) very little in the process in terms of growth, thickness over the last two and a half months. The unfortunate thing about it all is that at the end of this challenge I won't be able to say I achieve or didn't achieve results because I wasn't very committed to the process. For example, this week alone I didn't apply any JBCO to my scalp at all! I know...what have I been doing? I mean I truly don't believe growth aids exists anyway, while others swear by it. I will say I love how my new growth feels. It is very soft, my curls are very defined, my scalp feels good--when I use it--so no complaints. Has it helped in terms of growth and thickness, the jury is still out.

Now for the moment I've been waiting for October. Will I reach my first goal of full SL? I can say without a doubt, I will not reached "full" SL by July. For me "full SL" is sides and back all touches my shoulders--not necessarily a blunt cut/style--but similar in nature. Oh well, it will come. I had some setbacks, made some mistakes trying to do too much, but it's all good. I've learned more about my hair in the process. As long as I learned from my mistakes and just let things flow I will get there.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Roller Set Tutorial

As you know I do a  lot a research on hair. That's me, if I need to know something, anything I research it on line (what did we ever do before the internet?). Well I came across this great vid on You Tube. I actually subscribe to this fellow hair diva because I think she's great. She has beautiful hair, doesn't mind sharing her tips and is also from Canada---heeeeey! Some people have asked me why  haven't I posted my own vids, well I haven't for a few reasons: 1) I don't have a video camera at the moment, and 2) I have yet to perfect a  hairstyle I love enough to flaunt/worthy of a tutorial and really, wouldn't that be the blind leading the blind? I am the first to admit I am new to the game of hair care, as my blog states: "on my way to waist length". This is a journey y'all. I am more than willing to share my blunders, thoughts, progress and info, but I don't pretend to be all knowing or something I am not. My goal is to eventually get there, but until then, I need to look to others to inspire me and demonstrate what I am trying to achieve when I can't. At some point the pics will come.

Anyway, I came across SilentChic's vid (shout out to SilentChic) and I figured it would help me out as I learn how to do my own roller sets. Hopefully it will help you out as well.

FYI: She has many great vids, you should check her out!

What is Going On with My Hair?!

OMG! What the hell is going on with my hair? I washed it, did my usual routine: pre-poo overnight, shampoo, DC, leave ins--it was a friggin' tangled mess from start to finish! I noticed that it did not feel very soft after I washed out my pre-poo, but didn't think anything of it simply because I pre-pooed with a protein conditioner. I know, I am a week early, but I just felt it needed it. As an aside, I didn't clarify simply because I was soooo lazy last week and didn't put anything on my hair, so there wasn't an issue with build-up, but now I am wondering if I should have clarified anyway. Anyhoo, like I said didn't think anything about it because protein tends to leave my hair hard and a bit tangled. Okay, so I shampooed with my trusty Aveda DR, and there wasn't any real moisture. It was "okay", but not the softness I am use to--and the shedding---OMG! I look like a damn wilder beast there was so much hair all over me. Okay, so I am feeling my hair  and I think hmmm maybe it needs more moisture, so I whip out good old CON Ultra Moist Shampoo (I am trying to work my way through the remaining bottles I have before I say farewell to that product forever). Nada. My hair felt stripped, a little tangled--WTH? This never happens.

So I am off to condition. I used the BB Avocado Butter Treatment mix because I wanted to use up the last of the BB and my Aveda DR, and it worked out pretty well the last time I used it. I let that sit for an hour w/ heat and rinsed . Again, my hair was a stripped, tangled mess. Absolutely no slip. It didn't even feel moisturized. I then co-washed with a instant conditioner just to add some moisture and to help remove the tangles. It felt a tad better, but no where near where it should have been. I finally got out and just added my leave ins. Still, my hair is a damn mess. It took me one hour to detangle my hair. One hour! I lost way too much hair--not a lot, but more than I want to see--and it felt "weird". I'll ask the question again, what is going on with my hair?!

I've been noticing that there have been a lot of issues with my hair lately, but today was the last straw. My hair is not responding well to any of the products that I am using--products that I use to use for months without issue mind you and as of late it looks and feel like a hot frizzy mess every time I wash it...I want to cut it off. Whew, needed to get that out. No I don't want to cut it off, but this is just so frustrating. I feel as though I am the only one going through all this drama with my hair, but I realize that I can't be the only one. I think other women just don't talk about their failures as much as they tot around their successes, so it appears as though everyone but me has bouncy, full, beautiful hair. I'm not hating at all, it would just be nice to know I am not the only one experiencing set backs. I currently have my hair in rollers, which I have not done since 2007. I just felt I needed to go back to basics, and my hair was tangling so much I thought the rollers would smooth out the ends--even that process was a chore. I just need to take a deep breath. The nice thing about keeping a blog is I can go back and review some of the things I've written and see where I just got it wrong. I think it started with my Pjism.....

the one plus is I didn't have any breakage--that was until I tried to detangle my hair

I'll keep you posted.

ETA: (sigh). I took the rollers out and can I just say, my head was a hot, greazzzy ass mess...LOL all I can I do is laugh because I know I used way too much product and my technique left something to be desired, but I planned on tying my hair back anyway. Unfortunately, it was so bad I had to rinse all that product out of my hair. I just did a few bantu knots and I'm gonna call it a day. I think I'm going to have practice roller setting. Truth be told I never really likes doing it because I felt it was causing breakage. I have now come to realize that breakage with relaxed hair is inevitable, how much you experience is the issue. As well, if I am going to stay committed to minimizing the amount of heat I use, then I will have to figure out something. I will say I much liked the fullness it gave me (despite the greasy look), so I think I want to practice some more until I get this thing going. Aw well...

Helpful Hair Acronyms and Definitions

Throughout my hair journey I have come across a lot of different hair sites full of beautiful black women that have manage to grow and/or maintain their hair. The greatest thing about all of this is the fact that they have been more than willing to help others, exchanging information about products and techniques, as much as they can. The one challenge I have had is trying to figure out all the hair lingo that these women throw around. I think most of these hair divas assume that everyone knows what they are talking about when they throw around letters like NTM, HE LTR and BSL (I know, I know, I've am guilty of it too). Speaking from experience, it took me a hell of a time trying to figure it all out, and when I first started out I was a little intimidated. Too intimidated to speak up and ask questions--which may be the reason it took me so long to figure it all out LOL.  So I thought it would be beneficial to create a "short" list of most of the possible acronyms that are used on hair sites. It will definitely help you navigate the various hair sites with more success, and if nothing else, at least help you understand my post a little better.

HTH (Hope this helps)!


EL – Ear Length
NL – Neck Length
SL - Shoulder Length
APL – Arm Pit Length
BSL – Bra Strap Length
BSB - Below Shoulder Blade
MBL – Mid Back Length
WSL – Waist Length Hair
NG – New Growth
BC – Big Chop
DC – Deep Condition
NTM – Neutrogena Triple Moisture
MNT - Mane N Tail
CW- Conditioner Wash
CWC - Conditioner, Wash, Conditioner
ACV – Apple Cider Vinegar
CON – Creme of Nature
BSS – Beauty Supply Store
PJ – Product Junkie
Slip – When the comb easily glides through the hair
IMO – In My Opinion
HHG – Happy Hair Growing
BHM – Black Hair Media
LHCF – Long Hair Care Forum
EVOO - Extra Virgin Olive Oil
EVCO – Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
JBCO - Jamaican Black Castor Oil
DIY – Do It Yourself
HTH - Hope This/That's Helps
ETA - Edited To Add
HE - Herbal Essences
HE LTR Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship
MMF - Mizani Moisturefuse
MHF - Mizani Hydrafuse
MKF - Mizani Kerafuse
SE MS MT Silk Elements Mega Silk Moisturizing Treatment
SE MC Silk Elements Mega Cholesterol
M&S - Moisture and Seal
MT - Mega Tek
MN - Miconazole Nitrate
EO - Essential Oil
SAA - Silk Amino Acid
S&D - Search & Destory (Method for Triming off Spilt Ends)
LOTD - Look Of The Day
ALS - Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate
SLS - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate
Cones - Silicones
AOHSR - Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner
AOGPB - Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner


Baggying – Applying your moisturizer and then applying a plastic bag over the hair to trap the moisture in. You can either baggy your ends with a small sandwich bag or you can full head baggy with a plastic shower cap. This is very helpful treatment for those with dry damaged hair and dry ends. 

Braid-Out – Braiding your hair in sections while hair is still damp or dry. When the hair is unravelled hair will have volume and definition. You can wear this style up to 2-3 days with little to no touch ups.

Breakage - Broken pieces of hair without the white bulb. This can be caused by too much moisture (dryness) or protein (lacks elasticity). It can also be the cause of poor hair care.

Carrier oil - Known as base oil or vegetable oil, is used to dilute essential oils (e.g. Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Castor Oil, Jojoba Oil, Grapeseed Oil etc.) These oils can also be used to seal/trap moisture in the hair or moisturized the scalp.

Clarifying - Clarifying your hair is always a good idea to remove the build-ups some products leave on your hair which can make your hair dull and lifeless. Clarifying can remove the chlorine swimmers get on their hair. A Simple clarifier could include: mix 1 tablespoon baking soda with 2 teaspoons shampoo. Lather, wait 5 minutes, rinse and condition. OR you can use 2 tsp of ACV mixed into 2 cups of warm water, pour it on your hair, wait 2-3 mins, rinse and condition.

Co-washing - Washing your hair with conditioner instead of shampoo. This minimizes how much moisture and natural oils are stripped from the hair.

 - The cuticle is the thinnest layer. It is transparent and consists of overlapping scale-like cells. It protects the cortex from chemicals.

Low Porosity has tightly bound cuticle layers that lay flat. It looks healthy, is very shiny as it is able to reflect light much better. It repels moisture and is hard to process since it is resists chemical penetration. This type of hair tends to be "protein sensitive" and requires more moisture based products (leave ins, conditioners, etc) because the protein bond are rarely disturbed or lost. Too much protein may cause hair to become rigid and break.

Medium/Normal Porosity has cuticle layers that are looser and open and close with little effort. It allows the right amount of moisture to enter the hair shaft, while preventing too much moisture from escaping. This type of hair requires a balance of protein and moisture to be maintained. 

High Porosity has gaps and holes in the cuticle, which allows too much moisture into the hair causing it to frizz and tangle easily. Moisture also escapes the hair much easier as well, leading to dryness and breakage. This type of hair requires more protein to help fill in those gaps and holes. It is also important to use leave in conditioners and seal with oils and butters to trap the moisture within the hair. 

Deep conditioning – Allows you to replace moisture and protein to hair strains after the hair has been washed. Deep conditioning with a conditioner specifically formulated for specific hair issues will help revive dull lifeless hair, giving it more strength, elasticity, moisture, softness, and shine. It's good to deep condition at least 1x per week.

Dusting - A very light trim. Cutting only 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch. Good idea if you don't want a full blown trim.

Hair Type
Straight hair. There is absolutely no curl pattern in the hair. It is completely straight. Straight hair is very sleek and shiny because there is no curl pattern, which allows the light to reflect off of the hair giving it a shiny finish. 

2a, 2b, 2c
Loose curls and wavy hair. Type 2 hair can be categorized as 2a/2b or 2c. Basically, 2a hair is fine, while 2b hair is medium. 2c hair is thick and coarse with a frizzier look. This hair type has a natural “S” curl pattern as it hangs.

3a, 3b, 3c
Thicker, medium curly hair. Type 3 hair has a tighter curl pattern. It can be categorized at 3a/3b and 3c hair. 3a hair types have a looser curl pattern, while type 3b hair has a tighter curl pattern and type 3c hair has a tightly curly look and may look slightly kinky. When wet, type 3 hair shrinks quite a bit. But it is not as shiny as straight hair because the hair cannot reflect the light as easily. Type 3 hair is very springy. If you pull on it, it bounces back into its original curly state. This type of hair can sometimes be a challenge to straighten, especially 3c hair. 

4a, 4b
Kinky, tightly coiled hair. 4b is the thickest. Type 4 hair is a lot kinkier than the type 2 and 3 hair types. Although this hair type is much coarser and appears thicker than other curly hair, it can be quite fine. Type 4a hair has an “S” pattern, while type 4b hair is more wiry with a zig-zag pattern. Type 4c hair needs to be moisturized regularly & treated gently.

Humectants – Attract and retain moisture from the air (e.g. Glycerin, Honey, Sorbitol, Propylene Glycol).

Leave-in Conditioner – A way to further condition the hair after you have rinsed out your conditioner. It helps to detangle the hair leaving it soft and manageable. Some leave-ins provide thermal protection for styling afterward.

Line of Demarcation - Where the natural hair and relaxed hair meet. This location can be very delicate so be very gentle when stretching.

Low Manipulation - This is any style that require less upkeep or restyling. The less manipulation the better because it minimizes breakage which eventually leads to longer hair. (e.g. wash n Go's, twist outs, braids, braid outs etc).

Moisturizing – Applying a moisture based product to dry hair to reduce breakage and increase elasticity in the hair. You can use a water-based or cream based moisturizer 1-2x per day.

Over-lapping - Applying relaxer to already relaxed hair instead of just focusing on the new growth.

 - Leaving the relaxer on too long, resulting in a bone straight/limp appearance.

Pre-poo – Preparing your hair prior to shampooing. You do this by adding a natural oils into the hair . You can do this overnight or 30-40mins before you shampoo. This helps to minimize the damage that occurs when you shampoo or clarify your hair. 

Protective Styling – Wearing your hair up in a style that protects your hair from manipulation and outside elements (e.g. buns, wigs, extensions, rolls etc).

Relaxing Bone Straight - Allowing the relaxer to "relax" the hair to it's fullest potential, making sure the hair strands are as straight as possible.

Relaxing Straight
- Allowing the hair to get straight. But not bone straight.

Sealing – Using a natural non penetrating oil to lock in the moisture after you've moisturized the hair (e.g. Jojoba, Argan, Castor, Safflower Oil). By using an oil over the moisturizer will allow your hair to stay moisturized longer, especially if you have high porosity hair.

Stretching – Prolonging the time between relaxers. Instead of relaxing at 6 wks, relax every 8, 10, 12 wks.

Texlaxed/Texurized/Texturizing - Not letting the relaxer break the protein structures of the hair to the point of being straight . Basically under processed on purpose. Gives your hair some "texture".

- Waves, curls and kinks are still present in the hair after a relaxer. The relaxer did not process/penetrate the hair enough.

Shedding - Strands of hair with white bulbs on the root. Hair goes through a natural shedding period, so if you're taking care of your hair and it suddenly starts shedding a bit, don't be alarmed. If you are worried, try using Garlic. It helps to stop the shedding.

Moisturizing Shampoo - have a cloudy, creamy or pearlized consistency and thicker in texture than clarifying shampoos.

JBCO Challenge: Week Six and Seven

Well I have really been slipping on this challenge. I guess I have just been a little frustrated and fed up of this whole hair thing. There are times when I just feel soooo lazy. But I know, I won't see any progress if I don't keep working on it. I will say that my hair doesn't seem anymore thicker than it was before, but I haven't been applying the JBCO as often as I am suppose to be applying it (1x week vs. 5-7x/week)...I know....Well it's a new week, so I can get back to it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hair Goals Reviewed

It's been a long time since I've reviewed my hair goals and I think it's time I get a reality check! I've been trying to do too much, which has left me overwhelmed, tired, frustrated and resulted in some horrible setbacks. 

Despite my efforts I've experienced a few pitfalls  (e.g. becoming a serious PJ, breakage, scalp irritation). I decided to sit down and regroup. What am I trying to achieve? What are some of the issues I still have with my hair right now?

This is what I came up with:

  1. Eliminate (or at least seriously reduce) dry/itchy scalp (it seems like I'm back to square one)
  2. Reduce breakage (getting  a bit better)
  3. Obtain and maintain strength/moisture balance
  4. Reduce shedding 
  5. Increase thickness 
  6. Increase growth and even out hair length (SL by Summer 2010) 
  7. Daily 1 min scalp massages
I think I'm also going to have to review my previous post to help me slow down.  It's a long process, but it will help me find the right products for my hair, and really know how my hair is responding to a particular product. Right now I am throwing everything except the kitchen sink on my head and I had no idea what was or wasn't working for me. Even my tried and trusted products have been failing me.

In addition to these mini goals I want to do a few things that should help my goals along nicely and just keep me and my hair healthy overall:
  1. Drink more H2O (minimum 2 litres/day)
  2. Eat 6 small well balanced meals everyday (esp. breakfast!)
  3. Take a good quality multivitamin (3x/day) as well as regular Iron, Calcium and B-vitamin complex
  4. Get adequate sleep
  5. De-stress with regular exercise/fun activity (I've been doing well here)
Not sure why I've been so all over the place as of late. Actually, I know exactly what it is, but as I see the harm it is causing I am recognizing the importance of slowing things down. I'll keep you posted!

JBCO Challenge: Week Five

I have been slipping on this challenge a little bit. Last week I only applied JBCO to my hair three times, which isn't bad, but comparatively it isn't even 50% of the time that I should be applying it to my scalp (e.g. I am doing the Ultimate Level of the challenge). I must say that my scalp was sooo irritated. I couldn't wait to wash it again. It feels much better now, but itchy in spots. What a disappointment with the henna (how did I miss this issue for so long)--I am so sad, especially because of the benefit it has had on my hair. I swear, my hair feels absolutely amazing. It is silky, soft and so moisturized, and I haven't put anything in my hair all week. Oh man...why is it so hard for me to find products for my hair?! I never had this problem before, so I really do not know what to do right now. I am tempted to use the henna one more time, but rather than just rinse my hair I will shampoo my hair to remove any traces of the henna that may be sitting on my scalp. Hopefully, this will help, but if I have no luck with that I'm just going to shave my damn head!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

JBCO Challenge: Week Four

Oops! I totally forgot to post an update on my JBCO Challenge. Well I will say something interesting is happening to my scalp, but that may be more related to the henna treatment I did on Sunday than the JBCO. My hair growth has slowed to a crawl over the last few months, which is disappointing to say the least. So much for increased hair growth. Clearly other things are at play when it comes to hair growth. I will admit I have not been taking care of myself over the last few weeks. I have been eating waaay too much junk food, exercising like crazy, but not eating enough food--healthy food. I also have not been getting enough sleep or drinking enough water. All things that influence hair growth, whether I am using JBCO or not.

Anyway, I am glad this is happening. Of course I want my hair to grow, but at least this has confirmed what I already know. There is no such thing as a growth aid. I will say that it has been helping with my itchy scalp (but I seem to be having an issue right now). For that reason alone I will continue to use it.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Henna Treatment

Today I decided to do a henna treatment. My hair has been feeling blah, looks a little thin and it was time for a "protein" treatment. Although henna is not truly a protein, it appears to have the same properties as one in terms of adding strength and structure  to the hair shaft. Well as I was pleased with the results as I usually am. What I found even more interesting was the state of my ends. Usually when my hair air dries it looks frizzy and over processed, which is why I twist my hair and let it dry that way. However, today my ends dried pretty well. It was straighter (in some places) than it usually is and looked fuller. Overall, I am happy.

ETA: Well something weird is going on with my scalp. All this time I thought it was the Hydrafuse irritating my scalp, largely because of the ingredients, but over the last few weeks I have been using the last little bit I have left to moisturize my hair, and truthfully there hasn't been an issue. However, this week my scalp is driving me crazy! The more and more I think about it I am realizing that it is probably the henna that may be doing something to my scalp. My hair was so dry and flaking over the last 2 days , and it is itching me like crazy. There are also parts of my scalp that feel irritated/inflamed. This is disappointing because my hair feels so incredibly soft and silky right now, but what can I do? Back to the drawing board.....

Sunday, May 2, 2010

JBCO Challenge: Week Three

It is funny how one week my hair seems to be struggling and all of a sudden I have a new growth spurt, my itchy scalp has been soothed and my dry crispy hair feels moisturized and strong. I have since increased the JBCO ratio to my scalp blend concoction without incident. I guess my scalp has now gotten use to it because I no longer have scabs or itching like I did the last round of this challenge in which I made reference to the issues that can occur when you begin putting just anything and everything on the scalp in an effort to make your hair grow. As it stands now I can actually put 100% JBCO on my scalp without having to dilute it. I will see if that garners greater results.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wash Day

 I am feeling a bit better since I decided to cut down the amount of time I am focusing on my hair and hair care. I think truthfully, it was just a lot of other things as well that were contributing to my stress level. The last thing I want is my hair to begin shedding like crazy. Excessive shedding has never been a problem for me and I'd really like to keep it that way. I'm still going to take it easy, but I wanted to at least keep my blog updated with any significant changes going on with my hair.

So it's wash day, and as promised I am going to give BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment another shot in an effort to be as fair as I can before my final review. This is the third time around, so at this point I have pretty much used it in every way possible. Before I get into my results with my little experiment I will mention that overall my hair feels and looks a bit better. The breakage has minimized and it seems to be holding moisture a lot better. Overall, I think I am pleased with how it is coming along. I've notice a tiny tiny bit of new growth in certain sections, which is great. Not sure, but I think it may be due to my JBCO blend. Traditionally, I don't see anything in terms of growth until about 5 or 6 weeks post. I was itching to do a henna treatment today, but stopped myself. I really want to let my hair tell me when to add protein to prevent another overload. No henna isn't truly a protein, but it acts like a protein in terms of its ability to strengthen and add structure and volume to the hair. It also dries the hell out of my hair like a protein, and given my issue with dry hair right now, I just want to increase my moisture levels first.

Anywhoo, back to my experiment. As you know I really wanted to give BB Avocado Treatment a fair chance, so I played around with some concoctions and applied it to my hair in four sections. Here's what I did:

Section 1. BB Avocado Butter Pre-poo Treatment with 1 each tsp of my special oil mix and JBCO
Section 2. 1 tsp each of BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment, JBCO, special oil blend mix, honey, AORM and AOHR
Section 3. 2 tsp of Hydrafuse  and 1 tsp each of BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment, JBCO, special oil blend mix, honey
Section 4. 2 tsp of Hydrafuse  and 1 tsp each of BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment, JBCO, special oil blend mix, honey and Aveda DR

I placed a plastic cap on and allowed treatment(s) to sit for 1 hour (45 w/ heat; 15 w/ out). My results were as followed:

Section 1: washed out okay, but nothing special in terms of moisture or slip. A tiny bit of tangling.
Section 2: Soft and moist, good slip, which was a pleasant surprise.
Section 3: Okay. Felt dense (if that makes any sense), some slip
Section 4: Really nice, soft, moist and had slip.

So section 2 and 4 were the clear winners. I will have to admit the best one was section 4, but 2 was very close in comparison. What I like the most is the fact that section 2 was an all natural concoction, actually the treatment blend I've been using over the last two weeks with no success. The only change was adding a tsp of JBCO. This mix is definitely a keeper, but I will need to find an alternative to the BB Pre-Poo Treatment because it is just too expensive for what you are getting. Today I got the buttery soft feel I have been longing for over the last two weeks, but I had to add JBCO and various conditioners. Now, as for the BB Avocado Pre-poo Treatment, I have decided to change my rating to a Smiley. I really just don't think it's worth the money, esp since I had to add other things to it to get any kind of slip or moisture. Good ingredients, but that is about it. Applying it to the hair was fine, but it honestly felt similar to spreading a tub of Vaseline on my hair, and truthfully conditioned just as well! Not sure what all the hype is all about......

JBCO Challenge: Week Two

So it is week two of the JBCO Challenge. I've noticed that on days I don't oil my scalp I have some itching. So far so good. It concerns me of course because I am looking to stop my itching not do anything to increase it, but it's not horrible. I have noticed a little (and I do mean a little) bit of new growth in certain sections of my hair, which feels soft. Pretty good sign if you ask me, because I never see new growth this early (I am currently 3 weeks post). Can I attribute this to the JBCO, yeah perhaps. I mean I have also used some EOs as well, which are also known for enhancing hair growth and I also have other oils added to my mix (e.g. jojoba and EVCO).  I am also trying (not doing too great) to eat better and I am exercising at least 4-5 times a week. All factors that contribute to achieving maximum hair growth. You notice I didn't say increase hair growth I still believe nothing can help you go beyond your maximum growth rate. Some may disagree, but whenever someone reports they got 1/2-1 of growth from a product, it is more likely that the product help create a situation that allowed them to reach their full potential, whether it was keeping their scalp clean (e.g. JBCO, MN), helping with circulation, adding additional nutrients to the hair follicles (e.g. EO); It was not the product in itself. I mean we all know a clean scalp, circulation, moisture and nutrients are key to hair growth (or any cell for that matter), which can all be achieved by eating a balanced diet high in certain nutrients, regular exercise, scalp massages and regular shampoo (or co-washes).  While JBCO may have something to do with my mini spurt of growth I can't really tell. Unfortunately, past experience has shown me that I can't use JBCO on its own, but I may try to use more of it in my mix to see what happens. We'll see....