Happy Anniversary Diva!
Well it was a year today that I decided to "get serious" about my hair...LOL! Well I will say I've become more focused on my hair, but I have to be honest I haven't really been "serious". It's been an interesting ride, and I am now a believer that black woman can have long beautiful hair. No magical pills or "mixed" genetic makeup required. Just patience, education and love (wish I could bottle and sell that). I already posted my thoughts on the past year, so I will not go into a long reflection, but I will add one more thing. As I pointed out above I wasn't as serious as I could have been to maintain my hair in an effort to reach my goals, but that will change. Another thing that will change is the person taking care of my hair. Up to this point it has been a shared effort between my hairdresser and myself. I did the day to day maintenance, and my hairdresser did the relaxer touch ups and trims. Well, no more. No more hairdressers with scissor happy hands, no more appointments that aren't convenient. Just me (and the odd time my sister when I need a trim LOL). I will tell you why:
I got a relaxer on Friday just in time for my blog's anniversary. I was actually looking forward to posting my results as I always do. I didn't expect a huge difference from my last relaxer, but at least an inch or two, because that is what I measured in terms of new growth. Well I will say upfront to avoid any anticipation, there is nothing to report because yet again too much of my hair was "trimmed off" by my hairdresser. As I type this I am getting heated under the collar, but I will stay calm to tell the rest of my tale. Now I admit my hair had been experiencing some challenges in August. I had manage to stop my breakage, and the shedding had even reduced as well. My sides have always been an issue, really slow growth, but putting the slow growth and past breakage aside, I know I couldn't be seeing things. I mean my hair has to be growing, right? So then what's up? Why hasn't it budged since July? I don't wear it on my shoulders, it's always protected, I don't see small broken pieces on the bathroom floor when I wash my hair or comb it... Am I just imagining my hair is growing more than it is and blaming my hairdresser for the lack of proof after my relaxer? I didn't think so, but that could be the case.
To put an end to the mystery I decided to put my hair in two plaits just prior to my touch up and measure the length. Plated with new growth and all, my hair touched my shoulders, I though okay, progress. Once relaxed it should be half and inch or so below that check point. I got my relaxer, it felt good. As I see my hairdresser reaching for his shears I warn him "only a light trim" and he laughs and tells me "I know, but it really needs a trim". Now that was my first mistake, I promised myself last time, no more trims, but since I was having issues this relaxer cycle I thought it may need a slight snip to clean up my ends. So I watch him as best I can as he trims my hair, which he states once again is badly needed--now I am the first to admit when my hair is jacked up looking--it wasn't as bad as he says, come on. Anyway, I couldn't see the back, but thought, it doesn't look like he's taking off too much. All the time he is telling me how much my hair has grown and how much healthier it is. I was pleased to hear the feedback, especially since I was really hard on myself about the state of my hair last month. There I am smiling, proud of myself, and then my heart stops, my smile fades. As he proceeded to work to the sides of my hair I get a better view of what he is doing and that is when I see him cut 2 inches from both the crown and the side of my hair! |It happened so quick I couldn't say "hey that's a little much". At this point I had to let him continue unless I wanted a lop sided hair cut. I lost it! What the
?! I was totally pist! This man has been cutting off my hair. It is no surprise I am not seeing any change in my hair. Here I am driving myself crazy thinking it's me, my hair isn't retaining length, what am I doing wrong, I now know. There he is raving about how much longer and fuller my hair is, "guuurl, look at you" while he chopping it all off. I have to say it again what the
! So there is was the back of my hair just past my should, like it was in June, my sides just past my jawline, like it was in April and it was at that very moment I decided I am going to take care of my hair from this point on. Never again will I sit in a hairdresser's chair to have someone else destroy all my hard work. I don't know if this is a huge mistake because I may totally mess up my hair, but I will risk it. I worked very hard these last two months to achieve the lengths I grew and in seconds it was simply gone. I recently incorporated exercise, regular and balanced meals to boost my overall health in an effort to get better results, and this?! Now I know I should have been doing the exercise and regular meals anyways, not just because of my hair, but I realized the impact it was having on my hair as well and made more of an effort to follow through with these new changes. All for nothing (so to speak--again your overall health is worth the effort too). I braided my hair in two big plaits once I got home to see if I was right, and there it was, just hovering above my shoulders no longer touching my shoulders. So there you have it, my final lesson for the year. I am glad I learned it now rather than later.
Happy birthday "Diva!", and here's to a better new year 
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