Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Relaxer Day

Well it's relaxer time again! A bit early, but necessary because I have a wedding coming up and I want to avoid the drama of getting my hair done days before the big event. As well, my hair is very limp and lifeless after a fresh relaxer, and giving it a few washes seems to plump it up---don't know why, but it does.

I must say I was pleasantly surprise by the fullness of my hair. Even my hairdresser noticed and said he sees an improvement in the health of of my hair (I have posted pic below). I specifically asked my hairdresser to style my hair exactly the same so I could really see the difference. It looks thicker to me. In terms of growth, nothing to brag about, but it could have been much worse (e.g. breakage, shedding). I had to get a light trim (1/4-1/2 inch) because my ends were a little ragged, I also notice that one side of my head (at the back) grows significantly faster that the other side. I think at this stage of my hair journey I am beginning to see the importance of achieving and maintaining the health of my hair oppose to just trying to achieve length.

So it appears that I will not achieve my goal of full SL by July because my sides are just ridiculous in terms of growth--they DON'T!!!! My sides have not budged at all since my last relaxer. I don't understand it. So I will be adding that to my list of hair goals. I am happy to see that the back of my head is progressing well though.

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