Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I've Fallen off the Wagon

So I have fallen of the PJ wagon and here I am yet again with a cabinet full of darn products. I think the whole breakage thing I was experiencing had me in a tizzy and I didn't recover very well. My only solace is that at least the products I bought this time around were purchased with a goal in mind oppose to simply buying it because I "just wanted to try it out" like in past situations. In truth, before my hair care journey I think the problem I was having regarding my PJism was the fact that I was trying to address my hair issues without really even knowing what my issues were. Now I feel much more knowledgeable about my hair issues, so when I go out and buy a product I have an objective in mind (e.g. stop breakage, increase moisture, improve protein/moisture balance).

So my most recent buys:
  1. Burt Bees Avocado Pre-Shampoo Hair Treatment (99.33% all natural). said to add moisture and shine, and I have heard good things about, so we'll see. Given the price, I may not use as "pre-poo" since any conditioner can be used for that.
  2. Macadamia Nut Oil (100% natural). I plan to add this to my conditioners along with my other favs. What I did for my last shampoo was just add all my oils together to create a super blend and added it to my DC (not to be confused with my scalp oil blend). It will definately cut down on the time I was spending scooping out my EVCO and melting it down every time I pre-pooed/DCed (we're not talking hours here but annoying enough). It was getting tiresome. Perhaps I am just a little lazy.
  3. Aubrey Organics Rosa Mosqueta Conditioner (100% ntaural). It is said to be a great hair treatment, but thus far I am not impressed with its conditioning quality. My HR has more slip and it is half the price. I will continue to play around with it. 
So as you can see, all natural, all moisturizing conditioner/products. I am severely lacking moisture right now, and I hope that these will help me along. I am itching to buy my trusty Aveda DR Shampoo because I am out, but I have at least 3 bottles of CON that I need to use up and I also want to try to find a cheaper,  more natural shampoo at some point. I will start with one thing at a time though--that's how I got into this problem to begin with.I want to get my hair going and then implement changes, and so far Aveda DR is doing its bizness. We'll see which ones are keepers or simply becomes dust collectors.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wash Day

Hmmmm....so I washed my hair today and a three things occurred to me. One, I had yet to stop (or at least significantly stop) my breakage.; two, just how damaged my hair really is; and three, I need to find a decent moisturizing conditioner. My ends were snapping off with the slightest touch, and my hair felt very dry. So I decided to DC on dry hair following my regular regimen (EVCO overnight on dry/damp hair; DC on dry hair w/ conditioner and oil in the morning, etc...) using up some of the conditioners I have (e.g. Lustrasilk Shea Butter, Rosa Mosquete, AOHR) with some oils. At least two of these conditioners are  not doing anything for my hair, but I needed to use them up (see review for more information). Well after sitting with my "DC mix" in my hair for one and a half hours there was no impact. I mean my hair took this DC mix and spit it back out! No slip, no real moisture, as it dried slightly it felt okay, but no real impact. So I rinsed, shampooed lightly and DC again with another mix (e.g. Aveda Dry Remedy and Mizani Hydrafuse and oils). Let that sit for an hour and rinsed. Much better. Had slip, felt moisturized and better yet---no breakage! Okay, so maybe I am back on track... I sprayed my hair with a rose-aloe-glycerin mix that I got from Tracyee and then put in some leave in, sealed with oil  (new) on wet hair and twisted my hair (as an aside twisting looks better on me than braid outs). My hair is now dry (two and a half hours later) and it feels good. It is soft, feels moisturized, new growth is really soft and defined so I am satisfied. Moisture is definitely what it needed. Removing my twist though reveal just how uneven and broken my hair looks. I have a longer way to go than I thought.....

ETA: the next day my hair was butttttter soft. OMG It has never felt this soft before. It was moisturized and new growth was all good. The problem is I don't know what exactly did it. I really don't want to use 4 conditioners just to get the same results....this hair game drives me crazy sometimes, but I'm up for the ride. No guts, no glory right?!

Helpful Acronyms and Definitions

 Here are a few acronyms and definitions to make it easier to understand and communicate with other hair divas on the site or elsewhere. 

Product Overload

Since October there have been quite a few products I have tried and used. I've held off from reviewing most of them because as you know I have really been focused on controlling the breakage I was experiencing in an effort to retain length and therefore I have been blogging more about that. As well, there are so many reviews out there about similar products I figured there was no real rush right? Well, as I finish off most of the oils, poos and conditioners I am using and scaling down to only a few selected more natural products I have become more aware of what has and hasn't worked for my hair and wanted to share the information (please note I am picky and hard to please. I know how I want my hair to feel/look and if a product doesn't do it for me it will get a poor review--you may not feel the same). A few I have already written about (e.g. Aveda Dry Remedy, Komaza Shea Butter Lotion and Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer), so this list will cover everything else. Going forward I plan to discuss and review the products I am using more consistently as I am using them.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hair Breakage...Have I Found a Possible Solution?

So if you've been following my blog this far you will know that I've had a minor setback. Truthfully, my hair is still recovering from tons of breakage, but it has gotten better. Well you will also know that I figured out one of the reasons my hair was breaking at the root, but I was also noticing that I seem to have this pattern of breakage and shedding around 5 or 6 weeks post relaxer. Well I think I've figured it out (or at least have narrowed it down to three main issues).

Thursday, March 18, 2010

2010 New Hair Resolution update....

I have found that this year has not been going so great in terms of my commitment to my hair. So I have decided to review the list I created for my resolution to see where I am in terms of progress, what may need to be added, revised or even tossed out.

This was my New Hair Resolution:
  1. Oil my scalp at least 3 times a week 
  2. Massage my scalp daily for a minimum of 5 mins. (just started March 13)
  3. Drink a minimum of 2 litres of water a day (not doing well at all)
  4. Streamline my hair care products to 5 core products, finally getting get rid of the mountains of product I currently have and kick the product junky habit for good (e.g. 1 moisturizing shampoo; 1 deep moisturizing and 1 protein conditioner; 1 moisturizing leave in and/or 1 daily moisturizer; great moisturizing and nourishing scalp oil) (on my way)
  5. Use all (or as close as possible) natural hair products (on my way)
  6. Take hair beneficial supplements daily (e.g. Multivitamin (that contains Biotin and MSM), Vitamin B complex, Silica, Vitamin E and Iron) (not too consistent)
  7. Eat 6 small balanced meals daily that include protein and complex carbs (new)
  8. Exercise at least 3 times a week to improve overall circulation (new)
  9. Get an adequate amount of sleep daily (new)
So far it seems I have only really been able to accomplish one thing. I know the year has just begun, but the first quarter of 2010 has already flown by. I need to get my butt into gear, especially with the things that are beneficial to my overall health (#3 and 6-9). One day at a time...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Whoa...Big Sigh of Relief

So I seemed to have significantly reduce the breakage I was experiencing. Thanks god! I was freaking out last week. I pretty much stopped using that scalp growth conditioner because it just had too much protein and I wasn't able to balance it out. I did use it on my scalp last night and pre-pooed with EVCO as usual. I need to use this thing up somehow and I figure this would be the safest bet because I can wash it out and follow up with a  moisturizing DC. I had a significant amount of shedding too, but nothing too crazy.

Here's what I did:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Using Essential Oils for Hair Growth

I came across this article  on essential oils a few years ago that I have found really helpful while on my hair journey. I have been using essential oils for years in my hair and body care products, which has helped me alleviate a number of hair and skin issues (dandruff, thinning hair, itchy scalp, acne). I enjoy sharing information, so I thought I would dig it up fro my stash and post it here to help my fellow divas out.  I think it is important to point out that the title of this post may be misleading. I do not believe products, natural or otherwise can make hair grow; hair grows regardless of what you are putting on it (unless you are suffering from a particular scalp disorder). Essential oils, however do have the ability to enhance you hair as it growing, which is achieved by stimulating the scalp or by healing the scalp to help it reach its optimal health. By taking care of the scalp and the hair will benefit as well.

It goes without saying that you should always, always use caution when attempting to use any new product, natural or otherwise. Pregnant women need to take even more precaution. For more information about this article and related topics please click the link ("source") below.

The Ananada Apothecary
Therapeutic grade essential oils hold the promise for a great many people of stimulating the growth of bountiful healthy hair. Whether one is regrowing hair after hair loss, preventing the loss of hair, or just looking to make their hair more beautiful and lustrous than ever, essential oils and the carrier oils that comprise therapeutic aromatherapy formulas are very much worth investigating.

To use essential oils to to stimulate hair growth, try one of the following:
  1. Use an oil treatment blend: You can easily formulate a custom recipe by following the instructions on this page. This means selecting one or more essential oils and carrier oils, and measuring the essential oils into the carrier. 
  2.  Add essential oils to shampoo or conditioner: Many people add a little essential oil to their current hair care products. The upside is that this is very easy to do, the downside is that little of the oil is absorbed by the scalp. They certainly will leave your hair smelling wonderful. The amount of essential oil you add is really up to you.
Each formula  use should the same therapeutic and nutritive base oils, to which the essential oils are added. To make the base formula, mix equal parts of EVCO (gently warm to a liquid), Rosehip Seed Oil, and Evening Primrose oils (or any oil you choose). If making 4 ounces of base, just fill your bottle approximately 1/3rd of the way with each of these oils, then add your essential oils as described below. All these formulas can be massaged into the scalp 3-5 times a week. It can be done before bed with these left in (put a towel on your pillow!) or kept under a warm moist towel for up to an hour then washed out - the towel isn't necessary, it just helps with absorption.

To make a formula more specific to your hair and scalp condition, keep reading to find out more about each essential oil and how they may work for you...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Breakage...Back to Square One?

So my hair was shedding and breaking like crazy when I washed it today despite pre-conditioning prior to washing it. I decided to do a henna treatment and that seems to minimize it pretty well, but not stop it completely. I also noticed my hair was drying out much quicker after my final rinse . I feel like I have taken a huge step backwards and I don't have a clue as to what the hell I've stepped in because it's obviously some serious *ish . Okay not too serious, not life or death it's just hair, but I would be lying if I said I am not totally bummed out about this especially because I have a big event coming up and planned to show off my progress...When I retrace my steps I know what it was that I did to derail my progress, but more than that I have noticed that my hair seems to do a downward dog around the 6 or 7 post week mark. Add those two things together and I am not looking too pretty. I've figured out the severe breakage I am currently experiencing, but I really need to figure out how I can remedy this post relaxer breakage issue going forward because I refuse to relax any sooner than 8 weeks post (I would much prefer 12 weeks, but I know my hair limits)....what am I gonna do?!

ETA (March 14/2010): It has occurred to me that henna is really drying despite its benefits so I will simply need to up the DC with a richer/thicker moisturizing conditioner, because it seems the HR and Aveda Dry Remedy isn't going to cut it as a follow up DC. I realized that even though I don't love the Mizani Hydrafuse it was the only DC that made my hair feel real moisturized and strong after I hennaed when I used it once. Something I will have to think about.

How to Get Sweet Results Using Honey!

On my quest for beautiful hair I have read several regimens that women follow to achieve their own hair goals. Of course they use moisturizing shampoos, great conditioners and leave in, but the one consistent ingredient that I have seen in many "hair kits" is honey. Now I have heard of using honey for many things, mostly to sweeten my tea, but not for hair. I figured it's sticky, messy so whats the point? I didn't want to jump in head first and start drenching my hair with this stuff just because everyone else was doing it, but I also didn't want to dismiss it either. So off I went, over to the computer to do my research. I found a lot of information on the benefits that honey has on hair.  I have included some of this information below, as well as a few recipes (I have yet to try) that may help if you are also suffering from dry hair. As always, I plan to try these out and I will let you know how it goes.

What is Honey?
Honey is made by bees from the nectar of flowering plants and trees. It is a humectant, which means it attracts and retains moisture. Honey is also a natural emollient, and it is high in vitamins and minerals, which has wonderful benefits for the hair. This makes honey a natural fit in a variety of moisturizing products including shampoos and conditioners. It also said to be beneficial for treating itchy scalp and hair loss. Caution: Honey has the ability to lighten the hair overtime.

How to Use Honey
Add honey to some of your store-bought hair products or try whipping up some of the simple beauty recipes provided below yourself:

Honey Mayo Hair Treatment
1 cup mayonnaise
1 avocado
2 tbsp honey
1/2 cup EVOO (optional)
rosemary or lavender EO

Mix together mayonnaise, avocado and honey and massage into dry hair, concentrating on the ends. Add two or three drops of essential oils to create a distinctive hair treatment, or a half cup of olive oil to provide extra conditioning. Use a shower cap to cover the hair and leave on for 30 minutes.

Rinse the mayonnaise and honey hair treatment out in a warm shower. Massage the scalp to get the blood flow going, which helps to stimulate hair growth and health. Once the treatment is washed out completely, use a clarifying or moisturizing shampoo and conditioner as usual. For those who have dry hair, using a shampoo and conditioner that adds moisture is ideal to create shiny and smooth hair. Remove excess moisture from the hair with a towel and let air dry. 

Hair Shine Conditioner

1/2 cup of honey
1/4 cup of warm EVOO
1 tsp of xanthan gum
EO (optional)

This treatment leaves your hair feeling super silky and moisturized.

Mix  honey, olive oil, xanthan gum and 4 drops of essential oil (if a scent is desired) in a small bowl.

Warm a towel in the dryer and wrap the warm towel around your head.Apply mixture to damp hair. Work mixture into hair making sure hair is coated from the roots to the ends. Leave the towel on for 30 minutes or longer if desired. The longer the conditioner is left on, the shinier your hair will be. Rinse the mixture out of your hair with cool water and lightly shampoo hair. Rinse shampoo out with cool water. Dry as usual and admire the shine.

Honey Shampoo 
Honey has slight bleaching properties, so this shampoo will create subtle highlights in your hair over time. Honey will also provide your hair with extra body and shine. 

1/2 cup liquid Castile soap
1/2 cup water
1 cup honey

In a squeeze bottle combine the Castile soap, water and honey. Place the lid on the bottle and rock back and forth gently to mix the ingredients. Use your own homemade honey shampoo as you use your normal shampoo. Allow it to rest on your hair for at least 10 minutes before rinsing. 

(Substitutes: If the your hair is oily, you can substitute the liquid Castile soap in this recipe with any gentle shampoo. Castile soap is made from olive oil and is may leave some people's hair too oily. You can also substitute molasses for the honey if you do not want your hair to lighten with use.)

ETA: I have used honey a few time in my deep conditioner, but I have decided to stop using it. I actually found it simply wasn't working for my hair, and oddly I was getting more breakage. Simple is best for me. I have a good regimen right now, so I am going to stick to it.


Monday, March 1, 2010

EVCO Challenge: Final Week

Day 58 (Feb 28, 2010)
Well my hair is still breaking, nothing too serious. I am concerned, because traditionally I see breakage around the 7-8 post mark. But even more concerning is the fact that my hair is breaking is way too close to the roots (long pieces vs short tiny pieces) . I think I was unmistakably using a product with protein on my scalp as a growth aid. I am going to stop using this scalp treatment because what is the point of accelerating my growth just to have it break off? Not sure if it was really speeding up my growth as much as I would have liked anyway, and the risk is not worth it. I don't want too many setbacks. Oh well, I will just stick to my faithful scalp oil blend.

Day 59 (March 1, 2010)
My hair and new growth feels soft. I have stalled the breakage by doing a protective style. Hope I have remedied with my deep conditioning treatment.

Day 60 (March 2, 2010)
I am sad and in a panic. I did not want to end this challenge like this. Alas, the breakage I am experiencing is worst than I thought . I am devastated right now. Now your probably thinking, okay it's just breakage, deep condition and you can stop it. It isn't just any type of break. My hair is breaking at the root! The root! How do I know this? Well I have very long strains in my hand, there are no bulbs at the end and there are spots in my scalp were there is 1/4 inch of hair!!!!!! Now if that isn't severe breakage I don't know what is. I am in a panic because I don't know what to do. I know one thing I am no longer using the scalp creme I have been using. I thought I could handle even small doses of protein, but apparently I can't. This is a serious setback. I am so sad right now. I just hope I can salvage most of my hair.

As an aside. Two thumbs up for the EVCO. It took some time, but eventually did its magic as promised.

  • Stronger hair (yes)
  • Shinier hair and softer new growth (yes)
  • Less breakage and split ends (yes, yes and YES!)
  • Less shedding (off and on)
  • My hair will look and feel a lot healthier (yes)
  • More length retention(yes)
  • A reduced need to use products such as protein treatments and commercial deep conditioners (not quite)
My hair was stronger, soft, moisturized and I had (until now) absolutely no breakage! I wouldn't suggest it as a sealant as a M & S though because it can leave the hair a little stiff and greasy feeling--at least it did for me, but I am heavy handed, so that may just be my issue. Based on these results I give EVCO a  (more like a 9.75/10) only because it didn't do everything it promised, but came so close.

As for my current state of affairs I really need to do some hard core babying of my hair for the next 5 weeks....I am really, really sad right now.