Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mini Goals (Review)

Well I am a few days late for this update, but better late than never right? It just occurred to me that I did not do an update after my relaxer in December, but there wasn't much to report anyway. Lately I have felt so defeated and frustrated because of the set back I experienced. I haven't even posted a pic of my hair since December because I just feel what is the point? I don't have any progress to post, if anything I lost a significant amount of hair .

Anyway, if you have been following my blog you'll know that I've been trying to get back on track. I had my pity party for the last few weeks and I'm ready to get back on track.

This is where I am so far:

Mini goals:
  1. Eliminate (or at least seriously reduce) dry/itchy scalp (had a minor setback, but I'm back on track baby)
  2. Obtain and maintain strength/moisture balance (better)
  3.  Reduce/stop breakage
  4. Reduce shedding
  5. Increase thickness (just okay, needs improvement)
  6. Low manipulation style 95% of the time  
  7. Daily 1 min scalp massages
In addition, these are my overall health goals which should help me get to my hair goals:
  1. Drink minimum of 2 liters H2O/day (need to be more consistent)
  2. Eat 6 small well balanced meals everyday (need to be more consistent)
  3. Take a good quality multivitamin (3x/day) as well as regular Iron, Calcium and B-vitamin complex (much better)
  4. Get adequate sleep (need to be more consistent)
  5. De-stress with regular exercise/fun activity
Well I've still been \ bit better with my overall health goals and I have seen some significant changes to my hair health. It's just a shame I had to lose so much hair before I got my act together. Ah well....

Next check in July 2011

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